Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [adv] to date " in BNC.

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1 What is our mechanism for keeping up to date ?
2 By contrast , general purposive browsing describes the academic researcher who indulges in a similar activity of looking over books but with a serious purpose in mind , such as keeping up to date in his field or looking for new ideas .
3 Conspiracy was an old common law offence , frequently charged and much in need of bringing up to date .
4 For if he considers himself in some small way a specialist , not only can he spend a good proportion of his time teaching what he likes and probably , therefore , understands better , but he also has more of a chance of keeping up to date on his chosen subjects , particularly if he has support , as many of the teachers I observed had , from local subject advisers , associations or selective in-service programmes .
5 If you have another part-time job , or domestic commitments , then bank nursing can be a very flexible way of keeping up to date professionally .
6 At present the fiction that each MP acts on his own judgement and takes a discriminating part in legislation is preserved by insisting that members must be present and pass through the lobbies night after night , though in fact such activity makes no material difference , but seriously impedes MPs in their task of keeping up to date with their special interests and with their constituency work .
7 ‘ I really enjoy my job and especially like keeping up to date with all the modern styles , ’ says the enthusiastic young stylist from Hampshire .
8 Radio Rentals take a pride in keeping up to date with new broadcasting technology .
9 She can give him chapter and verse on Finance Acts and other current legislation , and is rigorous in keeping up to date .
10 The examining teams are selected by the chief examiners and made up of practising bankers — members who are interested in keeping up to date and ‘ putting something back ’ into the profession .
11 As the US government admits that its trade embargo against Haiti 's military regime has failed to reintroduce democratic reforms , communication groups in the country are gaining both local and international respect for their efforts to support Haiti 's democratic movement by providing up to date information and analysis of events .
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