Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] far as [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I was promised I could see the project through as far as Gittel-plus-nine . ’
2 In so far as Japan was concerned , it was apparent that all profits made from their ‘ British ’ made products went back to Japan to boost their economy and to further their influence into the European markets .
3 Like clings to like , and in so far as Hilary Frome had friends of his own age — mostly he had followers — those friends were Willis and Quigly .
4 As we have seen , in so far as Washington valued the special relationship it was essentially for hard-headed reasons of self-interest , and in the mid-1960s three issues in particular were to bring about a marked weakening of the old ties .
5 It is logical in so far as Scotland , in pacing themselves in a World Cup context , have already given caps when deliberately fielding understrength XVs versus the like of Japan and Zimbabwe .
6 In so far as Ferdinand had a system it was the restoration of the machinery of government and the society that he had known in 1808 : ministerial despotism superimposed on the old Councils , the very system the Persians professed to abhor .
7 In so far as Whitehall had considered these matters it had been vaguely assumed that a status quo ante would be established and the Dutch in the Netherlands East Indies , the French in Indochina , and the Colonial Office in Burma and Malaya would resume their rightful sway .
8 Later he moved over and took his seat in Parliament , where he was able to exploit even grander notions , that public transport be nationalized and another Bill was placed before Parliament , with this in mind , at least in so far as London was concerned .
9 In so far as Bukharin was discussing the relationship between society and nature he focused his attention almost wholly upon the material aspects of the exchanges .
10 If and in so far as Coldunell Ltd. v. Gallon [ 1986 ] Q.B .
11 Military service to France was actually performed by Edward in 1283 , in so far as Edward 's seneschal of Ponthieu arrived at Bordeaux with a contingent of men-at-arms , ready to serve in Aragon , but they soon returned home .
12 It is submitted that in so far as Wynn-Parry J decided the contrary in Re Houghton Main Colliery Co Ltd [ 1956 ] 1 WLR 1219 at pp1224-1225 he was wrong .
13 In so far as Anselm had a policy as archbishop beyond the pastoral duties outlined in Gregory the Great 's Regula Pastoralis , the defence of the Canterbury primacy formed its foundation and the legislation of his two primatial Councils were its crowning achievement .
14 In so far as Hartman 's book wants to be read as a form of fiction , one can make the adverse literary-critical point that the prose is dense and cloyingly arch , with a crooning , caressing quality about it , suggesting the tone of a man talking quietly and earnestly to himself rather than trying to communicate anything to others .
15 In so far as Preobrazhensky claimed that there was a law of primitive socialist accumulation in the Soviet economy which operated along with the law of value , he denied that there could be one , single , regulator for the whole economy .
16 Every schoolchild the world over knows the profile of the Taj , and in so far as Safdarjung 's tomb is different , it at first sight looks wrong : its lines look somehow faulty , naggingly incorrect .
17 In so far as Freud thought he had done psychology as a natural science , he has been vulnerable to critics within psychology who have applied natural scientific criteria to his work and found it wanting .
18 In so far as Charles III 's reforms encouraged local prosperity — as they did in the newly created Viceroyalty of Buenos Aires — they gave the societies of Latin America a more lively sense of the inconveniences of the Spanish connexion .
19 In so far as Derek thought at all about who had murdered Maurice Abberley — or why — he supposed a crazed hitch-hiker must have been responsible .
20 In so far as NAB has been regarded as an interim arrangement , despite the dropping of the word ‘ Interim ’ from the original title of the main body , questions about its future are bound to arise .
21 In so far as Jupiter survived he was the personification of Providence or Destiny .
22 True Londoners were sobered up by what was happening to their town , but young fellows , sometimes coming from as far as California , felt very lost and lonely , and sometimes escaped via the bottle .
23 This is the main hinterland which the port serves , although some orders come from as far as London , South Wales or Scotland .
24 The group has received donations from well-wishers from as far as Bangor and Holyhead .
25 Sightings have been reported from as far as France and the Netherlands .
26 Medau enthusiasts descended on Aston Clinton 's Green Park Centre ( itself a lovely setting ) from as far as France , Belgium , Holland and Germany , the course being fully booked long before the closing date .
27 The ability to seek out travel services for the customer even when they do not appear on brochure racks has brought the company a strong following in the town but also , according to manager Sandra Chisholm , from as far as Glasgow .
28 They come , he said , from a wide area : from as far as Newcastle and Durham , Stockton , Middlesbrough and Redcar .
29 On the saturday there are seven-a-side football competitions for youngsters involving 30 or more teams who travel from as far as Newcastle in the North and Wetherby in the South to take part .
30 By that I mean book-signing sessions — I 've been all over the place , from Darlington and Beverley in the North , to as far as Nottingham in the South , and met some wonderful people — and literary luncheons , plus what I suppose you could call ‘ personal appearances ’ at all kinds of functions .
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