Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [pron] come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 As a teacher I try to do what I can , but in a lot of cases you come up against a brick wall with a lot of racist graffiti on it !
2 Well I think that 's something that I erm we can go into when you come back next time and er I see what sort of plans you come up with .
3 and that obviously affects the kinds of problems they have with regard to income , benefits , debt problems erm and with regards the kind of things they come in to see us about , things like single payments f for things .
4 And the appearance and the style and the treatment of , the kind of materials which come out of history publishers really represents a kind of revolution in the subject , this subject , in the course of the last twenty-five years .
5 My missus has to buy the kids ' clothes down the jumble sale and if she wants a pair of nylons they come off the Green Shield stamps .
6 Like Aconite it is suited to plethoric , vigorous , healthy constitutions , robust children and babies when the complaints come on suddenly and with great violence , then subsides just as suddenly ; a short , sharp course — Not to be used in prolonged , continuous or recurrent states or in complaints which come on gradually .
7 In droves they come in or a bunch and then another bunch comes and about er quarter to five and it 's every night .
8 We offer four £5 book vouchers to readers who come up with the wittiest gag about scientists and engineers .
9 Those who work extremely hard in our jobcentres give the best advice available to individuals who come in .
10 I think that it 's a very long term thing and until the attitudes of both men and women and boys and girls at schools who come up here change , and that 's going to be a long time
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