Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] hours [art] " in BNC.

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1 Personal and telephone bookings can be made at the Cashier 's Office , University of Ulster , Coleraine during the following hours The Cashier 's Office also accepts postal bookings .
2 Through the early hours the close air had kept in the smell of grease and vinegar from fish papers littering the street in both directions from the fish and chip shop two or three doors down .
3 After a few hours a rustling noise nearly shocked me off my boulder .
4 After a few hours the butterflies can be released .
5 After a few hours the speed of change slowed .
6 In the purgatory of the small hours the person
7 Oddly enough , at the end of the 205 hours the subjects claimed that they could go on longer , that after the fifth day things had got easier , and indeed offered to stay awake for another day if paid at the ninth day 's rate .
8 And in the course of a few hours the softly spoken , silver-haired woman had made her feel as though they had always been friends .
9 Yes , I was possessed , but happy to be so , if it allowed me to be with him , to feel him near me for a few hours every day .
10 It was at this point that I gave up any hopes for an aviation career simply because of the increasing high cost of hiring that DH Moth for a few hours every weekend .
11 Perhaps it will be both rather more demanding and more flexible than some , asking for a few hours a year but with more emphasis on personal planning .
12 Though it may be possible to get professional or voluntary back-up for a few hours a day or a few days a week , an old or very sick and disabled person needs constant nursing and supervision round the clock .
13 With an air of great condescension he told me that he was ‘ prepared to give me a try-out ’ for a few hours a week .
14 AFTER THE MONTHS of location shooting in Cornwall , and the completion of the interiors of Straw Dogs at Twickenham Studios in London in March 1971 , Dustin returned to his New York home , determined to spend as much time as possible with his family , only going down to his production office , SweetWall Productions , on West 56th Street , for a few hours a day .
15 Even if you only work for a few hours a week , take out professional indemnity insurance .
16 Despite this demonstration of his habitual need for normal sleep , even if only for a few hours a night , this same individual appeared on television a few years later , again claiming never to sleep .
17 For a few hours the Tea Master and his guests perform an artistic ritual in which the mundane is washed from their minds .
18 This was the rime when everyone had a siesta and for a few hours the village was virtually dead .
19 Hainge maintains he does n't make any special preparations for visitors apart from the three hours a week that he puts in routinely .
20 Sometimes it would start first thing in the morning and go on until the early hours the next day , ’ she said .
21 She slept at last , but in the small hours the nightmare returned .
22 In the early hours a Supreme Soviet deputy , Viktor Aivanzian , was shot dead at the headquarters of the Armenian National Army ( ANA — the largest militia group , claiming 160,000 members ) , where he had gone with a contingent from the Armenian Pan-National Movement ( to which the ANA was refusing to subordinate itself ) to discuss a shooting incident of the night before .
23 Within a few hours a scum appears on top of the wort and this rapidly builds up into a great yellowy-brown crust as the yeast turns the sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide .
24 But within a few hours the mood changed and what Docherty now describes as ‘ unforeseen forces ’ began to operate .
25 The embankments which he had vainly tried to have reinforced by the zemindars would now be brimming and beginning to overflow … within a few hours the country around the embankments would be flooded and ignorance , stupidity and superstition would have triumphed once more as they have triumphed again and again in human affairs since time began !
26 Within a few hours the 126-member Slovene delegation walked out in protest over this defeat and over votes on amendments to the draft congress declaration , which had thereby rejected clear commitments to human rights and to closer ties with West European organizations .
27 A little lower , a white dart seared across the top of the sky , outrunning the night , overtaking the sun , crossing in a few hours an ocean that was once the edge of the world … .
28 Junior doctors across the region are to ballot on industrial action in protest at working up to a hundred hours a week .
29 To help engender trust and familiarity , the field-worker 's contact in the station was restricted at the beginning to a few hours a shift once a week , gradually being built up to a full shift , including mights , twice a week .
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