Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] hours [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was impressive how she coped with the two children for the twelve hours to Juliaca while her boorish husband slept , the baby 's shawl across his face .
2 For the six hours after the test meal , the subjects were instructed to remain quiet .
3 Times of night visits , proportion performed by deputies , and trend in number of night visits after adjusting for the increased hours during which visits are claimed .
4 He had greased himself in oil and he had cooked and broiled and yearned for the magic hours of noon and six when he could down a life-saving tumbler of gin and lime .
5 The forest , so restless during the night , so uproarious at dawn , was quiet during the middle hours of the day .
6 All they needed was the proof , and when a photographer hired by a down-market Sunday newspaper caught the Princess of Wales emerging from her friend Kate Menzies 's mews house during the early hours of the morning with David Waterhouse , and fooling around in the quiet road , they thought they had it .
7 CASH , and a Sanyo music centre , were stolen in a burglary during the early hours of Sunday morning at Birch Close , Bordon .
8 The body of Mr Bradford , 30 , was found by a night porter in the grounds of Highwood Hospital , Brentwood , during the early hours of March 5 .
9 The logbook of mid-upper gunner Albert F Wallace clearly shows him as having flown in Sugar during the early hours of January 5 .
10 Nevertheless , during the early hours of an acute infarction the ejection fraction is an insensitive measure of the severity of hypokinesis in the infarct region because of compensatory hyperkinesis or other wall motion abnormalities in the non-infarct region .
11 During half-time today a number of police officers will be questioning you all over the disappearance , during the early hours of Monday morning , of our grandstand .
12 Nine o'clock on the late show babysitting for me all this week , Adrian and then one o'clock till six o'clock during the early hours of Thursday the fifteenth of July , to keep you company , it 's Mark .
13 During the early hours of July 24 , 1989 , a group of armed men seized control of a radio station in Antananirivo and broadcast a statement that Ratsiraka 's government had been replaced by one composed of opposition leaders .
14 He did it again when , leaving her question hanging , he stepped closer , studied her scraped-back hairstyle , then , without so much as a by-your-leave , whipped her glasses from her nose — the better , it seemed , to check that her green eyes were the same green he had looked into during the early hours of Sunday morning .
15 The vehicle smashed into a tree and wall in Pensby Road , Heswall , during the early hours of today .
16 The blaze broke out at Darlington and Simpson Rolling Mills factory site , off Whessoe Road , during the early hours of the morning .
17 Divisional crime prevention officer David Chaplin said : ‘ The dawn patrol grew out of the realisation that by the nature of doorstep delivery , milkmen are out and about during the early hours of the morning . ’
18 Ian James walked in during the early hours of the morning and stole a leather jacket and a handbag from the hall .
19 His 60-year-old wife called in police , claiming he had punched her during the early hours after the ceremony to install him as the 18th civic leader at Stockton .
20 Again and again I thought of it , perched on its lonely promontory , during the weary hours of plodding through Eckersley 's purgatorial English Course .
21 The Royal Duke was a fishermen 's pub with an afternoon trade from men who had brought their catch in during the small hours of the morning .
22 You are mad , Robyn told herself , during the five hours of driving , five hours of deliberately concentrating , deliberately forgetting , to go to such lengths , just so you do n't have to face him again .
23 Music , for both of us , is a part of life we treasure , and Michael has found his records and tapes a constant source of happiness during the long hours of inactivity forced upon him .
24 And in Gascoigne 's absence he played the fool to lighten the mood during the long hours of inactivity that footballers must put up with .
25 There were times during the long hours of dark when he did drop into an uneasy doze , but never for more than a few minutes together .
26 During closure , they found , the outer surface of the leaf expands ; but during the 10 hours of reopening , the inner surface slowly expands .
27 There is little traffic on them during the dark hours at present , but if the lines are to be used by freight trains — some of them a mile long trundling through the night and causing heavy vibration and noise , there will be a dramatic effect on the environment and quality of life of those who live in proximity to them .
28 Feisty , secretive , determined to win , it was not surprising that one of Allen 's fervent admirers was Richard Nixon , who , Washington legend has it , would call the coach during the dark hours of Watergate to discuss Redskin strategy and — who knows ? — to get some tips on how to handle his own presidency .
29 In rats receiving sc caerulein , the blood flow was significantly ( p<0.05 ) reduced by about 43% after two hours of caerulein infusion and then showed only small further decrease during the remaining hours of the experiment .
30 For many mammals , the smell bond built up during the few hours after birth is crucial .
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