Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] least [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the event , and after at least a hint of treachery , shortly after eight o'clock on the night of 19 December 1946 the Vietminh blew up the power station in Hanoi and signalled the formal beginning of the Vietnam war .
2 The simple physical evidence of at least a measure of compliance is widespread .
3 MAPLE LEAF SWAG Patrick Eggle JS Legend There is usually a bonding period of at least a couple of weeks between a player and a new instrument , but this time romance was in the air straight away and … what the hell …
4 Naturally the more challenging the holiday the higher the price , especially if the reward for six hours in the saddle — with perhaps some of it spent in the rain — is a hot bath and the creature comforts of at least a hotel .
5 Back at our table with the promise of at least a half-hour 's respite while Gino dried his trousers , I brought Sorrel and Werewolf up to date .
6 By raising Prussia from the position of a second-rate State to that of at least a kind of great power , and by achieving this with very limited physical resources , he provided the supreme illustration of what might be accomplished by an intelligent and dedicated ruler inspired by enlightened ideas .
7 Mr Kohl talks about five years , some economists of at least a decade .
8 In the case of major company resources it is fair to say that the very large companies invest millions in their computer systems and they expect these systems to have a life span of at least a decade .
9 To be on the safe side , they feel that they need to have equity ratios of at least a percentage point or two above the BIS minimum .
10 Paul Marland is one of thousands who used his own personal wealth of at least a quarter of a million pounds to become a Lloyds name .
11 A councillor who sued two national newspapers for libel is facing a legal bill of at least a quarter of a million pounds , even though he originally won the case .
12 With the 12 countries already in the toils of a budget renegotiation , it would mean a delay of at least a year before the ambitious plans for monetary and political union could be relaunched .
13 The scheme has another advantage , in that it is a very cost-effective way of brightening the place up , especially as each design has a ‘ tube life ’ of at least a year .
14 Allen pulled one back for West Ham to give them hope of at least a point .
15 Chelsea looked worthy of at least a point after Mick Harford 's 72nd minute goal had cancelled out a first half Saunders header .
16 ‘ A scrip dividend alternative is very significantly more expensive to administer and would also involve a delay of at least a month in payment of the dividend .
17 The roads , though , were completely blocked , giving us the problem of at least a six-mile walk through the snow to reach the base of either mountain .
18 LADIES ' soccer : Kate Esden 's goal four minutes from the end brought two points Colchester United Falcons way against Luton Town reserves in a match disrupted by a blizzard.The 1–0 win ensures them of at least a runners-up spot in their first season in Division Two of the Women 's FA Eastern League.The League 's plate competition takes centre stage this Sunday as the Falcons travel to Stalham Seahawks , Norfolk , and the Eagles entertain Hemel Town at Alderman Blaxill School , Shrub End ( ko 2pm ) .
19 Revisiting the site at intervals ( of at least a week ) note whether the marked animals are feeding on the same prey or not .
20 If one may accept the equivalence of at least the concepts underlying the terms and on the one hand and and on the other , there is thus some solid evidence , in addition to the line of reasoning advanced above , to suggest that the concept of a division between " the interior " and " the exterior " existed at least from fairly early on in the sixteenth century ; and it is not unreasonable to suppose that the terms haric and dahil are not anachronistic in respect of the Kanunname .
21 In order to do this , however , Britain must herself become in some degree protectionist and place tariffs on foreign imports of at least the things which the Dominions had to sell to her — above all , food , if not also raw materials .
22 Make a full-size drawing of at least the bracket .
23 Intimate searches must be authorised by an officer of at least the rank of superintendent who , under section 55 , must have reasonable grounds for believing that the arrested person may have concealed on him anything which he could and might use to cause physical injury to himself or others or that he might have concealed a class A drug .
24 In the case of serious arrestable offences the rights can be postponed for up to 36 hours on the authority of an officer of at least the rank of superintendent if that officer has reasonable grounds for believing that the exercise of either right would : ( a ) lead to interference with evidence connected with a serious arrestable offence ; ( b ) lead to interference with or physical injury to other persons ; ( c ) " tip-off " other persons suspected of a serious arrestable offence ; ( d ) hinder the recovery of property .
25 Yes sure , the card itself er is authorisation that is signed by er an officer of at least the rank of Assistant Chief Constable and er it 's a firearms authorisation that enables us or as an individual , to be issued with a firearm that is named on this card , er for that particular type of weapon er if if we go to a firearms operation .
26 If offers are received in respect of at least the number of shares which the company wishes to purchase , the company will calculate the lowest price ( striking price ) acceptable to sufficient shareholders to ensure that all the shares required are sold .
27 We also feel that the number of Scottish members of CTC warrants a grant of at least the £600 we got before .
28 Caroline , who was seated at the table trying to make sense of at least the headlines in Osservatore Milano , looked up .
29 In 1974 military engineers stood by to operate power stations in Northern Ireland during the protest strike by the Protestant Ulster Workers ' Council , though they could have done nothing without the help of at least the power station managers .
30 Without a specific perpetuity period of at least the length of the term ( if the term exceeds 21 years ) plus a few additional years to cover holding over under the 1954 Act , there would be no right to use pipes placed under the premises during the 23rd year of the term .
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