Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] at [det] levels " in BNC.

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1 All who work within the education service are acutely aware of the pressure for change at all levels .
2 In so doing he emphasised the need for accountability at all levels of the system .
3 At last it has achieved a respectable measure of unity at most levels of the party .
4 However , there are signs of change at some levels , because men are now being accepted on to the CARE course , which provides specialist training in how to deal with victims of sex crimes , although this might simply reflect a recognition that an increasing number of victims are young boys .
5 The annual costs estimate includes £155 million for a ‘ strengthening of management at all levels , ’ £10.5 million to pay members of health authorities , £15.6 million for administering general practitioner budgets , and £3.3 million for computers to monitor drugs spending .
6 There are several forms of management at all levels , each with its own characteristics and much has been written about most of them .
7 And it sends a clear message to the heads of the regions that , when Mr Yeltsin talked about sacking opponents of reform at all levels of government , he meant it .
8 He has experience of leadership at all levels , as has his possible successor Ashley Metcalfe .
9 The study is based on surveying the documentation of policy at all levels , the deployment of a national questionnaire and detailed investigation of practice in 10 schools .
10 How far present-day societies are likely to proceed along this road is a matter of debate ( and I shall return to the question in Chapter 6 ) , but at the least it has to be recognized that in recent years the idea of political action has been very substantially broadened , so that there is already a quite widespread awareness of the variety of ways in which individuals and groups of individuals can assert their dissent from the policies of government at all levels ( for example , the revolt against the poll tax in Britain ) and bring into the arena of public debate alternative policies .
11 During the next four years he travelled extensively in China , recording every facet of life at all levels of society , from paupers to princes .
12 When topics of concern at all levels are being regularly opened up , there will be a consistency of treatment for all .
13 There is an urgent need for the NHS Review to focus on the development of training at all levels to ensure that properly qualified , trained staff are available to provide not only hospital care , but support and rehabilitative care for increased numbers of patients .
14 The mean amplitude at each level was then plotted on charts where the 90th and 10th percentiles of pressure at these levels in our previously defined normal volunteers were represented by horizontal boxes ( Fig 1 ) .
15 They include the following : the extent to which the freedom of the press and other media is guaranteed and protected ; the pattern of media ownership allowed ; the structure of the country 's mass media ; the technology required to ensure rapid and effective generation , processing and dissemination of information at all levels of society and beyond the nation 's borders ; the extent to which the public has easy access to the media channels for meaningful , two-way communication ; and the degree to which the media , besides being a watchdog of public interest vis-a-vis the government , foster the nation 's political and cultural awareness and promote the values and aspirations which the nation has chosen to project as its identifying characteristic in the community of nations .
16 They include the following : the extent to which the freedom of the press and other media is guaranteed and protected ; the pattern of media ownership allowed ; the structure of the country 's mass media ; the technology required to ensure rapid and effective generation , processing and dissemination of information at all levels of society and beyond the nation 's borders ; the extent to which the public has easy access to the media channels for meaningful , two-way communication ; and the degree to which the media , besides being a watchdog of public interest vis-a-vis the government , foster the nation 's political and cultural awareness and promote the values and aspirations which the nation has chosen to project as its identifying characteristic in the community of nations .
17 Using LOGO or similar to help a real floor turtle draw a pattern is a well-known use of IT at all levels .
18 Mathematics can be a fascinating and exciting subject to study and the S1 course will encourage a greater understanding and enjoyment of Mathematics at ALL levels — you do n't have to be a whizz kid !
19 Such a system would be able to help learners in almost any context including , of course , the study of mathematics at most levels .
20 It is argued , furthermore , that while incentive pay may be of value at all levels in an organisation , it is particularly beneficial at the highest level .
21 There was an increased awareness of the need for education at all levels , rising levels of literacy — though they are still relatively low - and , while the economy was expanding , a demand for skills .
22 This is partly a reflection of the growing responsibility which the Welsh Office has assumed for education at all levels in the Principality .
23 They are prepared for presentation at all levels up to CSYS .
24 Liberal deputies countered this argument by pointing out that " rampant privatization " was already in progress at all levels , including the state administration [ see dacha scandal below ] .
25 It would be part of the Foundation 's role in partnership at all levels to encourage development of networks where they do not already exist , and to reinforce them where they do — for greater consolidated strength and continuous intercommunication .
26 Other recommendations to the churches include documenting human rights situations in Africa ; promoting education on human rights through alternative communication such as drama , music and community news sheets ; encouraging people 's participation in decision-making at all levels in church structures , and exposing church leaders to WACC 's Principles of Christian Communication .
27 setting up examples in the exercise of democracy in church structures by encouraging popular participation in decision-making at all levels and incorporating indigenous cultural values in the Church 's mission ;
28 One of her major contributions to WACC has been being involved in the impetus for representation of women in decision-making at all levels and the inclusion of women 's issues as a focus of WACC activity .
29 We also believe that it would be inappropriate for performance in drama at those levels to detract from a higher level of performance for spoken English as a whole .
30 KIDLINK is facilitated by professionals working in education at all levels , most of whom are specialists in information technology .
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