Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] carry [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1984 the Anglian Water Authority applied for permission to carry out a land-drainage scheme on the Stour between Stratford St Mary and Flatford Mill , with the purpose of converting the riverside pasture to oil-seed rape .
2 Primary schools will of course carry out a range of cross-curricular work , but there can be great benefits from this approach at secondary level also .
3 Towards the date for closure of Banstead , in mid-1986 , two researchers from the national offices of MIND carried out a brief study of the closure process .
4 According to his instructor at the Borders Parachute Club , Wakenshaw had the presence of mind to carry out a textbook emergency descent to save his life .
5 In 1936 the Ministry of Labour carried out a pioneer survey of private sector employers ' pension scheme membership , finding that women comprised about 20 per cent of the total membership of around 1.6 million persons .
6 Notice of intention to carry out a review and an alteration to the Lothian Region structure plan .
7 All heads of department carried on a voluminous correspondence with this official .
8 The Buddy Bear Centre — a former school — is currently without public funding , until the Department of Education carry out an inspection to assess it .
9 But this skill was replaced by the inclined table which simply had the slime/water mix fed on at its top end , the stream of water carrying away the waste .
10 The issue of competence to carry out a review is critical considering that in only a quarter of all cases were outsiders much involved .
11 The lack of training to carry out the job .
12 At the same time , the proportion of freight carried on the railways between 1980 and 1990 dropped from 9% to 7% , while the proportion using road transport rose to 83% .
13 The deed authorises the bank to appoint a receiver and manager of the company 's undertaking , with power to carry on the company 's business .
14 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
15 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
16 The class in question carried out a project on the Celts and the Iron Age , using a range of evidence both from archaeology and from written accounts of the Romans .
17 The second and third ranks of foot were to stay flat on the ground throughout the manoeuvre , and then , in turn carry out the same tactic .
18 We think , therefore , that it is absolutely necessary in order to carry on the Business of this Establishment , as perfectly as possible , that two such Characters should be appointed — and we , in consequence suggest , that altho ’ each be as much as possible qualified in both Departments , yet if one were to devote himself to one Branch and the other to the other branch — the College would be much more usefully directed — for , if one Professor were fully qualified for both — yet so arduous a task could not possibly be executed by one Man only .
19 Many were surprised when he and Sir Thomas Lee ( who later admitted to receiving money from the lord treasurer , Thomas , first Baron Clifford of Chudleigh , q.v. ) supported the government in February 1673 in its request for £1.2 million in order to carry on the war with the Dutch .
20 More often it will be to establish some intermediate way point in the development path of a system ; in order to carry out a review , for example , or to provide a frozen issue for prototype system testing .
21 If the new democracies are denied markets for their goods , then they will be unable to obtain the hard currency they urgently need in order to carry out the far-reaching reforms that will modernise their economies .
22 In 1985 there were 791 cataloguers , two administrators and 169 photographers ; in order to carry out the current drive the number of employees has been set at 4,463 .
23 I assume that every effort will be made to ease the task by mutual cooperation of the solicitors and accountants concerned in order to carry out the court 's order .
24 In order to carry out the exercise required by section 2(1) it would be essential , in my judgment , to evaluate the relative responsibilities of the third defendant and the third party .
25 He told the King that he would prefer MacDonald to remain in office in order to carry out the necessary programme of economies ; but that if he failed to carry enough of his colleagues with him , then the best alternative would be for MacDonald to head a National Government containing members of all three parties .
26 Now he does n't actually make the concession I think it 's consistent of what he says , that he ought to concede that direct democracy might be better at improving the citizens , because after all the citizens have much more to do on in service of the state but his view is that direct democracy has the opposite failure to guardianship , that while it might be better at improving citizens it 's absolutely hopeless in managing the affairs of the state and his reasons for that is that we need experts with experience in order to carry out the affairs of government and although these people ought ultimately to be held responsible to the people , people should n't sit in judgment them in every one of their decisions .
27 Thomas Gunson , of Middlesex , a glass seller , was to he the treasurer or receiver — advancing monies from time to time to carry on the works arid to pay miners or other workmen .
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