Example sentences of "[noun sg] to deal with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later it was discovered that the council had written to the club months earlier demanding action to deal with the hazard .
2 We reject outdated notions of national sovereignty , believing that they now stand in the way of common action to deal with the scourges of disease and hunger , the deterioration of the Earth 's environment and the continuing dangers of the post-Cold War world .
3 A number of local authorities have attempted to take more positive action to deal with the issues raised by the 1985 riots , but their experience has shown that such local initiatives are often severely limited by the actions of national government , the police , and broader economic and political pressures .
4 ASHWORTH Hospital has published its plan of action to deal with the recommendations of the public inquiry into conditions at the special hospital .
5 But while this method keeps many plant-eaters at bay , there are always a few creatures who have the design capability to deal with the toxins .
6 ‘ It was his way of testing you out — you know , one practice to deal with the cow and the other to treat the calf .
7 More was clearly needed , for slum clearance since 1930 was regarded as both too limited in scope and too slow in practice to deal with the scale of the housing problem in the big cities .
8 Steps were taken before the Report of the Civil Justice Review to deal with the problem of waiting for trial with regard to the general list cases in the Queen 's Bench .
9 But to describe the issue as one which depends on whether or not the bank must be taken to have appointed the husband as its agent to deal with the wife and to procure her consent serves , in my opinion , to mask the basis upon which in certain cases creditors have failed to enforce their security against the third parties and upon which in other cases they have succeeded .
10 He spoke of ‘ a new age , in which people can come together ’ , directed his administration to deal with the reorganization of pensions , housing , the improvements to maternity homes and the reorganization of the poor law .
11 Instead of tackling the causes of urban unrest , the Government has built up force to deal with the manifestation of those root conditions .
12 Russia is appealing for Western aid to deal with the problem .
13 Only three of these made any serious attempt to deal with the questions raised .
14 He asked his colleague if he would consider giving him some age-regression therapy in an attempt to deal with the problem , whatever it was , that had been brought to light .
15 It is the attempt to deal with the choice as a formal rather than contextual issue which has led pedagogic grammarians into such easily flawed formulations of rules .
16 Ms Weldon , a member of the committee who was not asked to sit at the hearing , described the video as a serious attempt to deal with the bride of Christ notion .
17 It was well-staged and well-sung ; and even if one had to put up with such seed pearls of wisdom as ‘ Beauty is in a lover 's eyes ’ , it was none the less a serious attempt to deal with the implications of the legend .
18 They were contracted in by Orkney Islands Council to deal with the cases .
19 The ministry described the problem as very serious and has asked the National Disaster Council to deal with the problem .
20 ( 2 ) It was necessary for the judge to deal with the point about the breach of the Code to the jury because TJ 's counsel 's speech had referred to it , although strictly the issue whether there had been a breach of the Code was a matter for the judge and not the jury .
21 Determination to deal with the situation " properly and once and for all " but coupled with the confusion of not knowing precisely what to do for the best , particularly in the face of vast quantities of advice all of which seems perfectly clear — except that it directly conflicts with other equally vast and equally clear advice from other sources .
22 The House of Commons saw fit to incorporate a provision in the recent Nullity of Marriage Act to deal with the problems raised .
23 Because tranquillisers simply mask symptoms rather than provide a cure , you may need to seek help to deal with the problem which caused you to need the tablets in the first place .
24 At a summit meeting in Vienna on July 18 , the member countries of the Central European Initiative ( CEI ) , namely Austria , Bosnia-Herzegovina , Czechoslovakia , Croatia , Hungary , Italy , Poland and Slovenia , appealed for international help to deal with the refugees crisis caused by the war in the former Yugoslavia .
25 As part of the cross-party compromise the government agreed to negotiate agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic which would provide them with financial help to deal with the migrants .
26 In other words , they felt more confident about their capacity to deal with the tsar than at any point since the end of the 1820s .
27 ‘ We 're just trying to contain the market at the moment — at least until we 've got the capacity to deal with the demand . ’
28 Someone there was having a heated argument with an official , who then called the guard to deal with the matter .
29 He appointed Akoli Daouel , who was himself of Tuareg origin , as a Minister with Special Portfolio to deal with the Tuareg issue .
30 Mr J. Ferguson , 2 Viewfield Road was appointed chairman of a committee to deal with the matter .
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