Example sentences of "[noun sg] prepared for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that consciousness is able to operate independently of the physical vehicle has been proved throughout vast research , and that an ‘ interconnectiveness ’ exists between mind and matter was brought clearly into focus in a study prepared for the House of Representatives Science and Technology Commission in the United States , back in 1981 .
2 The environmental impact assessment prepared for the Bill is an example of the latter type as no reference has been made to the NRA or to the environmental health department of Cardiff city council .
3 Just over a decade later , as the papal curia prepared for the Vatican Council , Cardinal Ottaviani proposed a profession of faith for the Council fathers which would repeat the anti-modernist oath ( no remarkable thing in itself : the anti-modernist oath was required to be taken by all those teaching in seminaries , and all priests before ordination ) and once again to repudiate the errors that had been condemned by Humani Generis .
4 A similar work prepared for the press soon after this one appeared only in 1819 , in Philadelphia , as The Bank of Faith and Works United .
5 Therefore , the soil has to be removed down to firm ground , and a firm foundation prepared for the side walls .
6 These methods have also been used by PROPE in the memoranda of evidence prepared for the enquiries of the House of Commons Select Committee on the Treasury and Civil Service .
7 This gave an additional but different response to sound ( a tingling feeling ) in addition to the sensation of vibration ( as shown in a paper prepared for a research conference on ‘ Speech-processing aids for the deaf by Scott , Defilippo , Sach and Miller , of St Louis ) .
8 A brief , and perhaps unduly euphoric historical note , probably written by J.G. Wright ( then professor designate of surgery ) was included in the brochure prepared for the opening of the present buildings in Camden Town by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937 .
9 Particular care is needed where reports are prepared and it is believed that a person other than the client will have access to the report and may seek to rely upon it ( eg a long form report prepared for a vendor prior to sale ) .
10 A report prepared for the United States State Department , published in September 1989 , stated that the Somali armed forces had " purposely murdered " at least 5,000 civilians in fighting over the previous two years .
11 The Minister can refer to the definitive report prepared for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development by Martin and Bazen , which made it clear that there was no loss of jobs among adult workers and no evidence of loss of jobs among youth workers .
12 Malcolm MacEwen and Geoffrey Sinclair in their parallel report prepared for the Council for National Parks also examined a wide range of issues but concentrated on agriculture and the implications of its financial support in the uplands .
13 An independent report prepared for the UN 's World Health Organization ( WHO ) claims that environmental destruction resulting from over-population is killing millions of people every year , largely as a result of the contamination of water , soil and air .
14 As subsequently printed , the purpose of aid programmes in Southeast Asia was ‘ to demonstrate that the local national governments are able to bring benefits to their own people and thereby build political support , especially among the rural population ’ , or in the words of the Country Report prepared for the director of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program : ‘ to ensure the existence of governments … which represent the legitimate nationalist aspirations of those Indo-Chinese people who do not desire to see communist-orientated governments in Indo-China ’ .
15 Whether a requirement to disclose an ensuing report prepared for the defendant would be upheld by the court as a valid condition for granting an examination in the first place is not clear from McGinley v Burke [ 1973 ] 1 WLR 990 .
16 Statements of evidence and a psychiatric report prepared for the hearing were ruled inadmissible on the advice of the clerk to the justices on the ground that as the proceedings were not family proceedings within the meaning of the Act of 1989 , the Children ( Admissibility of Hearsay Evidence ) Order 1991 did not apply .
17 Timber companies carrying out massive logging operations in the remote tropical forests of northern Congo are operating outside the law and defrauding the government of millions of dollars , according to a report prepared for the World Bank and the Congolese government .
18 An UNCTAD report prepared for the conference said that savings of US$75,000 million a year could be made through more efficient trade administration , including computerized customs procedures .
19 Roy 's paintings , influenced by Giorgio de Chirico , typically align ambiguously associated common objects , sometimes in a landscape , sometimes in an interior , against what he referred to ( in an autobiographical statement prepared for the Museum of Modern Art ) as ‘ the light blue sky with feather-like clouds between Angers and the sea ’ a sky beloved to him from childhood days .
20 Just before the men were charged , Le Monde published a confidential document prepared for the government in 1989 showing that some 360,000 people had been infected with blood contaminated by hepatitis because of inadequate testing of blood donors between 1980 and 1988 , when compulsory tests were introduced .
21 Therefore , next time they spawned I left the eggs where they were until I had a new tank prepared for the adults .
22 Notice the tar boilers and the channel prepared for the tar to bind the rails to the track-bed .
23 The following is a briefing note prepared for a vendor by MAS which formed the basis of his address to the company 's staff .
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