Example sentences of "[noun sg] cut [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Grant and Larsen would be the first to go into action , their mission to break into the house itself , having penetrated the enemy territory via a gap cut in the fence .
2 As the first axe cut into the Tree , a great wailing cry of agony rent the thick stifling heat of the workshop and Nuadu knew at once that the Tree had been taken down while it lived and while the naiad still dwelled within it .
3 Their markets were small and concessions were rated by combining the size of the proposed tariff cut with the size of the market .
4 The head is glued and dowel pegged to the neck , using the cramping noggin on the neck and the waste piece cut from the front of the head to facilitate positioning the cramps .
5 She was wearing a red velvet skirt cut like a skating skirt , with an alderman 's neck chain slung round her hips and clanking between her legs .
6 On the very corner of the island , looking south towards Africa , we rested in a square cell cut into the rock .
7 He 'd never thought that you could shiver in a desert , but it was late afternoon and the sun had fallen behind the hills and a chill wind cut across the graves .
8 Hannele and Edward were handed off , and entered the opulent interior through a doorway cut in the yacht 's side .
9 Bush promised that " the time for just pure study is over " and announced the restoration of a US$5,000 million clean coal programme cut by the administration of former US President Ronald Reagan .
10 Crudely put , it directed the young male of the species to ‘ get as much as he could ’ before marriage cut off every tap but one .
11 One of two methods is generally applied : the ‘ illustrative cut ’ of individual projects and commitments , or the percentage cut across the board .
12 When the winding extends around approximately half of the core cut off the end , leaving a few inches of spare wire and tape the wire down temporarily .
13 Wind-borne grit and ice erode antarctic basalt boulders at a rate of 1.5mm per year ( Evteev , 1964 ) , producing pavements of consolidated rock rubble with each fragment cut to a tricorn and wind-polished ( Nichols , 1966 ) .
14 ‘ Well , I do like that , ’ Miss Poraway was saying , pointing at a cartoon cut from the WRVS News that someone had stuck with Sellotape to the dashboard of the van .
15 Leave some slack at the point where the cable enters slack at the point where the cable enters the floor or ceiling void , to allow it to be bedded in a recessed chase cut into the plaster at some future date .
16 Fill large gaps between boards with strips of wood cut to a wedge-shape .
17 One surviving base is that from North Luffenham , made of a circular piece of wood cut with the grain , 0.2 cm thick , slotted into a groove at the bottom of the staves ; such a method of fixing is common .
18 But the emotional fracture cut through every aspect of his adulthood .
19 I looked up and saw again the arrow cut into the tree .
20 Before I could answer , a shrill peal of laughter cut through the air like fingernails dragged down a blackboard .
21 The moon above the hill cut like a wedge of shadow ,
22 A second or two later the powerful beam of the flashlight cut through the darkness .
23 It was a distinction which he found extremely disturbing , not because of its political consequences , but because the introduction of such a distinction cut at the root of his ideal of obedience .
24 ‘ The President left last night for a series of visits to Europe — ’ the picture cut to the President boarding Air Force One at Charles De Gaulle Airport-'which will culminate in a private meeting with the Russian President in Germany .
25 The picture cut from the newsreader in the studio to the rain-lashed Yorkshire countryside and a reporter standing huddled against the driving rain .
26 Later tombs here have no tumulus above but consist of a single large room cut into the stone .
27 He added that the phenol compounds were imported from Germany until the First World War cut off the supplies , whereupon Edison almost singlehandedly founded the US plastics industry .
28 Shielding the small .32 revolver beneath his armpit , he ducked behind cover of the van 's open rear doors and secreted the gun in a small concealed trap cut into the vehicle 's floor .
29 Trent crossed to a window , peering out through the heart-shaped decoration cut in the shutter .
30 The surge of inquiries for new cars after the five per cent tax cut in the Budget was subdued by election uncertainty ; it should now become a flow of firm orders .
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