Example sentences of "[noun sg] to keep [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " Frith could have killed El-ahrairah at once , but he had a mind to keep him in the world , because he needed him to sport and jest and play tricks .
2 It costs a great deal to keep him in the home , as well as your father . ’
3 ‘ During the time we had the picture in our possession , in an attempt to keep it off the international art market we consulted the criminal police , and attempted to put the picture on the index of important works of art which can not leave Germany .
4 Codemasters ' director David Darling said : ‘ The fact that Sega has chosen to wait to sue until just before our commercial launch shows this is a blatant attempt to keep us from the market they control . ’
5 At 2200 the casualty refloated herself under her own power , but as the rudder was jammed the lifeboat came in again to secure a towline from the casualty 's bow to keep her off the sand .
6 Clough will consider it a much needed morale booster if he can get Keane 's signature on the new deal , even though the battle to keep him at the City Ground is far from being won .
7 The owner of an eighteen foot fibre glass shark has won a six year battle to keep it on the roof of his terraced home .
8 On their behalf , a local radio station has launched a campaign to keep him at the County Ground .
9 It was a good move to keep it in the theatre . "
10 A woman who was in danger of losing her home after she mortgaged it as security for her husband 's business debts , has won the right to keep it following a victory in the House of Lords .
11 Mains was recalled for the solitary Test against Tom Grace 's Irishmen at Athletic Park , in which the All Blacks gained an undistinguished win , but Mains got a penalty goal and enough credit to keep him in the team for the great tour — South Africa , 1978 .
12 As he snipped several inches off the length of Aimee 's hair , he pointed out why he encourages all his clients who have fine hair to keep it in a short style — or at least above their shoulders .
13 Ireland is presented as a place whose feminine nature makes the country require a more powerful masculine presence to keep it from the savagery of the giant who is unmistakably a Roman Catholic monster .
14 The Prince is also very keen on deer stalking , another pull to keep him in the Highlands for as long as he can manage .
15 ‘ You 've got enough money to keep you for the rest of your life .
16 But James said his son had needed some firm , fatherly advice to keep him on the right track as a teenager .
17 They had needed the eccentric goalkeeping of Grobbelaar to keep them in the match up to the 111th minute , when Anderton suddenly revealed why so many scouts have been beating a path to Fratton Park .
18 Owners of listed buildings have a legal obligation to keep them in a reasonable state of repair .
19 Managers found it impossible to maintain discipline : if a girl found a man to keep her for a while , she would ‘ scarper ’ ( disappear ) .
20 ‘ It obviously takes food to keep you in a good mood , Dr Vaughan . ’
21 He would also fight tooth and nail to keep her from the likes of Tommy Allen .
22 Her mother said to her , quite seriously , as if this was advice handed down in the family from mother to daughter since time immemorial , her mother said : ‘ It 's always a good idea to keep them on the hop . ’
23 ‘ It 's always a good idea to keep them on the hop . ’
24 David Mellor , Secretary of State for the new Department of National Heritage , has rejected the listing of key works of art in order to keep them in the country .
25 In fact I 'd carefully scripted the whole thing , grading the language to keep it within the students ' capabilities .
26 No wonder she 'd struggled so hard against it , doing all in her power to keep him at a distance .
27 He said ‘ Okay , I want you to show me everything , ’ and I said ‘ Well , there are six strings , they 're tuned like this and written down an octave , ’ ( For those that do n't know , when guitar music is transposed onto a stave , it 's dropped a whole octave to keep it on the treble clef — Ed ) and he was taking notes and I gave him a beginning guitar book so that he could see how it was all written out !
28 Then they tore in a wild , bumpy , breakneck race across the rough heath to Scawby Marsh and got ropes round the poor terrified pony just in time to keep him above the shifting surface before the marsh engulfed him .
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