Example sentences of "[noun sg] seems [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Henry 's voice-over adds an amusing counterpoint to the visuals but by the time we reach his eventual arrest , on drugs charges , in '81 , Scorsese 's frenetic cross-cutting seems to leave the original premise — presumably , the mob 's seductive potency — somewhere in the sidings .
2 Henry 's voice-over adds an amusing counterpoint to the visuals but by the time we reach his eventual arrest , on drugs charges , in '81 , Scorsese 's frenetic cross-cutting seems to leave the original premise — presumably , the mob 's seductive potency — somewhere in the sidings .
3 Einstein 's general theory of relativity seems to govern the large-scale structure of the universe .
4 Bureaucracy seems to block the Chinese sources , which with their huge mule farms must have a great deal of information .
5 Even though he may pay lip service to the idea that there are probably many breaks not yet discovered , nevertheless almost every geologist seems to accept the above doctrine , albeit subconsciously .
6 Largely as a result of Wedd 's enthusiasm , I found myself becoming irresistibly attracted to the Scots pine — the solitary tree as well as the clump — not just as a potential ley mark point , but as something in its own right , I was not alone : legend seems to confirm the special nature of the pine .
7 Unlike grommets , adenoidectomy seems to modify the underlying pathophysiology of chronic otitis media with effusion — making it our initial surgical procedure of choice in cases of severe , persistent effusion .
8 Also , the drug seems to inhibit the viral DNA polymerase enzyme much more effectively than it does the DNA polymerase used by the cell to copy its own DNA .
9 Antiarrhythmic drugs — Among type 1a antiarrhythmic drugs , quinidine seems to have the greatest potential for causing torsades de pointes and is estimated to produce syncope in 0.5–4.0% of patients as a result of this tachyarrhythmia .
10 The strategy seems to ignore the Open Software Foundation 's RPC-based Distributed Computing Environment , which opts for the Mach microkernel .
11 This flaw seems to explain the odd network in the crucial option A — the one Serpell says should make a profit .
12 Much of the technical literature on the subject seems to confuse the two sets of questions distinguished in this section .
13 The young artist seems to have the same dismissive outlook .
14 Its beating a path to Hewlett-Packard Co 's door seems to indicate the final demise of Intel 's 80860 as a mainstream system-level CPU .
15 Th th the trouble is the government seems to go the other way , and er , when when it should be learning my opinion , lowering the age at which you receive your pension , they want to extend the age into which you have to work .
16 Local government seems to have the upper hand on matters of censorship in libraries at the moment , and national Government often intervenes decisively on major professional issues in professional medicine .
17 This kind of no-strings-attached use of sex seems to combine the best of both worlds , leaving a woman free to pursue her career and a man unshackled by the commitments of a heavy mortgage and all the other responsibilities that go with a family .
18 Any notion of the Government playing a role in increasing the provision of child care seems to escape the Prime Minister .
19 Today , if we pose the difficult question of the relation of poststructuralism to postmodernism , one distinction between them that might be drawn would be that whereas postmodernism seems to include the problematic of the place of Western culture in relation to non-Western cultures , poststructuralism as a category seems not to imply such a perspective .
20 The SPAR system seems to represent the first explicit attempt to work out solutions to all four problems .
21 The more so at Augusta , the arrival of which each year seems to signal the happy end of winter hibernation .
22 I 've talked about miocenia gravis ; there is it 's rarer cousin , the syndrome , which sometimes associates with carcinoma of the lung , and we have shown that this too is an auto-immune disease in which the lung cancer seems to precipitate the immune system into making an antibody against it , the tumour , and the because the tumour has on its surface the same thing as the nerve terminal , the antibody also binds to the nerve terminal and causes trouble there .
23 The adopted position seems to reflect the current situation in countries such as France and Germany .
24 The idea of the super-ego seems to encompass the Christian concept of the conscience , and describes those moments when we feel restrained in our actions ( ‘ I am letting myself down ’ or ‘ I am letting my ideal person down ’ kinds of feelings ) .
25 Astral travel seems to mimic the sudden disappearance of Philip after baptising the Ethiopian eunuch and his reappearance at Azotus ( Acts 8:39,40 ) .
26 Frankly , I 'd respond more if a chap came up to me and said , ‘ Look here , we 've been doing this for rather a long time now and we find that this way seems to bring the best results . ’ ’
27 What Mr Birchall noticed was that a diet lacking in silicon seems to have the same effect as one rich in aluminium .
28 The fire seems to symbolise the flickering spirit of creativity which literally inspires Coleridge .
29 THE only solution seems to convert the wide strip into a raised bed , contained within brick walls .
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