Example sentences of "[noun sg] seemed [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They looked red and sore and his mouth seemed to droop at the corners .
2 The entry seemed to jump off the page , twisting her stomach painfully .
3 One of the most fascinating aspects of the Pathfinders was its attraction for characters , and the very nature of the Force seemed to beckon to the most unusual types .
4 The light seemed to fade from the brightly shimmering early evening as she heard him , and her heart felt as if an iron band was tightening mercilessly about it .
5 The photograph seemed to leap off the page to hit her .
6 Ringing the woman 's number again , she found her in , and more than ready to offer her somewhat trenchant views on the House of Commons and the way that seminal institution seemed to cling to the outmoded notion that women were an inferior breed .
7 The chief superintendent seemed to revel in the reprimand he issued to her .
8 only problem was that these lapses in concentration seemed to conicide with the ball heading towards him , hence the comment ‘ and Sprake has let in a sitter ’ .
9 When Luke called her heart seemed to expand at the look of admiration that slipped over his face as his gaze took in her simple cream suit in thick , crunchy lace , the severe black camisole she wore beneath it , but he merely murmured , ‘ Punctual as always .
10 Deterministic laws of atomic arrangements in the triumphant years of classical physics seemed to lie behind the phenomena of life .
11 His olive skin seemed to glint in the soft light of the hallway ; the flat behind him was almost totally dark .
12 There was a moment of silence as their gazes locked , and his last sentence seemed to hang in the air , as if it had a meaning beyond the surface value of the words .
13 The sentence seemed to hang in the still air with the thin grey smoke escaping from his lips .
14 The sentence seemed to hang in the cold morning air with the whisp of vapour it had left behind .
15 The planned destruction of so much of Romania 's rural heritage seemed to go against the tenor of Ceauşescu 's out-spoken nationalism .
16 The Scottish accent seemed to come from the other side of the crowd .
17 OUR quiz in the January Link seemed to appeal to the football fans amongst you .
18 The noise seemed to reverberate around the ship .
19 Holly heard him shift on his bunk and the mattress seemed to belch at the movement .
20 Although not loud , her laugh seemed to reverberate in the room , destroying its solemnity .
21 Blanche 's question seemed to resound round the room with its impertinence .
22 Apparently he was quite charming , but as the basis of his charm seemed to rest upon the un-startling stratagem of addressing every female he encountered by the fullest possible version of her name ( so that every Julie became a Juliana , every Dot extended to a Dorothea , all Marys became Mariana , Sues Susanna , etc .
23 His harsh bark of laughter seemed to echo around the room .
24 The shadows of the stones stretched to their maximum length , while the sun seemed to rest on the horizon .
25 A wave of cold seemed to emanate through the funereal drapery .
26 A shudder seemed to run through the various sections of Legion 's disconnected bulk .
27 Tommy 's nose seemed to collapse underneath the blow .
28 This came about partly because of the executive 's inherent advantages , as outlined above , and partly because tradition and crisis seemed to point to the need for a strong executive .
29 The only glimmer of light she could see at the moment seemed to come from the cheerful faces of the Rafferty children whenever they arrived on the Four Winds doorstep .
30 The smell of damp and rot seemed to waft from the doorway as if expelled from putrid lungs .
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