Example sentences of "[noun sg] looking [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Birdie sometimes questioned the fairness of life , having spent overlong looking after an ailing mother and missing her chances with a very suitable man from Ballylee who married another , who was n't bound to an ailing parent .
2 With the edge of the island visible on either side , Manhattan sits in murky river , an absurd chunk of metropolis looking like a Gothic spaceship working up to an explosive departure from the planet .
3 She lay on the roof looking through the artificial skylight .
4 In fact I just stand in the middle of the bedroom looking like a favourite rich uncle on a flying visit from South America , urging her to choose where she 'd like to eat , and not worry about the cost .
5 The fact that the polecat with young was sighted three years ago by a grumpy shepherd looking for a lost lamb at 5.30 a.m. on a March morning , two miles away from post number seven , is irrelevant .
6 Down a little tunnel at the Mesdag museum , up a flight of stairs , and you are standing atop a dune looking at an enormous 360-degree panorama painted in 1881 .
7 Do you remember looking over the ship 's side at the flying fish , and the phosphorus gleaming along the side of the ship at night — and of course looking for the Southern Cross in the stars at night ?
8 I am a present looking at the dozen or so cones sitting on the floor and am making up my mind to do something with them , but even with ingenious ideas , how does one find time with all that knitting to do ?
9 Almost perfectly circular , it contains a virtually circular lake with another almost perfectly circular island in its centre — the whole confection looking like a vast floating doughnut .
10 They were a sub-order with sharp claws and a prominent second toe looking like a huge sickle .
11 WC apps : 9 Winners : 1966 Nobody has scored a World Cup goal against England since Maradona left the defence looking like a broken washing line in 1986 .
12 ‘ I sometimes think you hate everyone , ’ said Betty , who would have liked to go round India on a bicycle in an orange robe looking for an Enlightened One .
13 I 'm a tall , dark , athletic male lookIng for an attractive and lonely female to give loads of affection to , and to put the sparkle into her beautiful eyes .
14 He spent two-thirds of his day at a school ten miles away , and the rest of the afternoon looking through the older children 's comics at Mrs Neary 's until Diane picked him up at five .
15 About a month ago I spent an afternoon looking through the German National Film Archives in Coblentz .
16 Imagine that you 're a complete beginner looking for a versatile sewing machine for dressmaking , soft furnishings and embroidery .
17 It all but invited every cop-hating drug freak , every aggrieved drugs trafficker from the Bekaa Valley to Los Angeles , every ultra-right , gun-running , Contra-supporting machismo addict , and every thwarted narco-terrorist or Muslim extremist looking for a safe or cheap revenge to ‘ terminate ’ him also .
18 Tracey said she recruited many of her adult models by trooping the disco and nightclub circuit looking for the latest talent .
19 The the Council looking at the whole process of how it spends it money what it does , I think the theatre the start of this evening we were looking quite close about what we do and how we do it what we do n't do and what we should do and I think from what 's been said this evening will be re look closely the questions you 've raised things that you 've raised we 'll report it back to you in the hope of this meeting that we 'll actually moved forward because I think it 's in everybody interest everybody 's interest if the playhouse closes .
20 And an awful performance by my boy looking like a Black and White Minstrel ! ’
21 Throw it in the river still bearing the noose-mark , or cart it round London and risk capture looking for a new gibbet ! ’
22 After spending all last seaon looking for a right back we now sell one !
23 Right , what what we 'll do is I mean we can confuse the Chow test looking at the residual sum of squares er from each of these sums as the regressions on sub samples , comparing them with the residual sum of squares on a regressionary of the whole sample and the computer will actually do it for us .
24 It 's a girl looking for the middle son , Paul .
25 I woke up after an hour or so , and just leaned out of the window looking at the half-empty Main Street .
26 He sat at his desk looking over the same papers and repeatedly having the same conversations but unable to take decisions or achieve anything .
27 But it 's not invisible unless you move the cell pointer around all over the place looking in the top left hand corner .
28 These are moments of some tension , but if he has a team looking for the same thing , they are at least not lonely moments .
29 We spent most of that first day walking around the town looking at the historical buildings some of which had been there since the mid-sixteenth century .
30 Thus a HIGH OR EQUAL comparison condition will be used to search a blocked file looking for a given record .
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