Example sentences of "[noun sg] drawn [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As far as the passengers were concerned , the unscheduled stop and the sight of an ambulance drawn up on the quayside lent an element of excitement to spirits which were beginning to flag slightly as the end of the cruise loomed closer .
2 The " full recovery plan " would set aside 5.4 million acres , at a cost of 32,000 jobs in the timber industry : an alternative drawn up on the instructions of Interior Secretary Manual Lujan would protect 2.8 million acres but result in the loss of 15,000 logging jobs .
3 This is n't just a figure drawn out of the air unlike councillor , I can actually back it up because I 've got the detail of that budget .
4 She was frowning , deep lines appearing between her eyebrows , mouth drawn down at the edges so that instead of a classically good-looking slim English Rose in her late twenties , she looked faded , years older than her real age , and shrewish .
5 As he stepped forward the chocolate hackles rose on the cat , its mouth drawn back in a snarl .
6 The serious fraud office has been sent details of a business deal drawn up by the former chairman of Oxford United Kevin Maxwell , and the former managing director of Derby County .
7 The statutory curriculum to be followed by the nation 's five to 16year-olds from September reflects guidance drawn up by the county 's PE teachers two years ago .
8 The first correct entry drawn out of the hat came from Caroline Fitzgerald from Stamford Brook , London , who wins a Golden Bone Award .
9 Now is the time to prove them right by entering our Christmas literary quiz — and as an added incentive we are offering a bottle of Glenmorangie for the first correct entry drawn out of the hat .
10 A Plan of Action drawn up for the conference was estimated to cost between US$4,000 million and $6,000 million .
11 There was a boat drawn up on the shore , dark oak painted white to the water line , the prow a swan 's head .
12 The Town Clerk wrote the letter of acceptance on 8th June , and a Scheme of Administration drawn up by the Charity Commissioners , now involved because of the change in status of the School , was ratified at Stockport County Court on 20th January 1860 .
13 The USSR Supreme Soviet on June 13 ordered major revisions to a programme drawn up by the government to introduce a market economy .
14 According to December reports in the Bolivian press , the number of public employees would be reduced over the next five years by over 35 per cent under a programme drawn up by the government with the World Bank .
15 Many of the cahiers ( the statements of grievances and proposals for their rectification drawn up for the guidance of the States-General when it met in May 1789 ) proposed the building of public monuments to Louis XVI in recognition of his action in calling the States-General and thus restoring the ‘ liberties ’ of his people .
16 The " Wildlife Enhancement Scheme " , which is to be trialled in the Culm Measures of Devon and the Pevensey Levels of Sussex , will offer annual management payments in return for agreement from landowners/occupiers to manage the land for conservation , on the basis of a plan drawn up with the local English Nature officer .
17 When a plan drawn up during a period of supply crisis fails to analyse thoroughly the question of the balance of supply and demand this of course is no ‘ external ’ defect , no ‘ formal ’ omission , but a profoundly internal fault .
18 My Lord at the briefing that we attended er there was a sketch plan drawn up on the er the dry wipe board in the briefing room .
19 Although there were some variations as the election campaign unfolded , the thrust of the Tory message on law and order did not deviate from the plan drawn up at the meeting on 7 July 1978 .
20 Meanwhile on May 29 the National Assembly approved an economic recovery plan drawn up by a newly appointed economic adviser , Alassane Ouattara , president of the West African Central Bank , in conjunction with the IMF and World Bank .
21 We will decentralise planning decisions as much as possible , giving a key role to the local plan drawn up by the local authority .
22 The ending of the deadlock means Rechar money will almost immediately be put to use to finance the first phase of a £158m 10-year action plan drawn up by the East Durham Task Force .
23 Diplomatic sources say the ANC and the government plan to call a national referendum on the power-sharing deal if the smaller political groups decline to attend the multi-party conference to refine and ratify the plan drawn up by the two major political players .
24 Their freedom comes after Saddam Hussein has welcomed the Gulf peace plan drawn up by the French President , Francois Mitterand .
25 Suddenly from among the lichen and lank chickweed drawn up by the gloom of the canopy , comes the first flash of pink .
26 The loop is now formed around the bobbin case , and the thread drawn back through the needle by the take-up lever usually found on the front of the machine .
27 On a G7 scorecard drawn up by a coalition of environmental groups , Britain came bottom on efforts to tackle pollution and global warming .
28 Then she noticed a vast woman with a swarthy dead-pan face and black hair drawn back into a bun , who was standing near the O'Briens with grimly folded arms .
29 At the RSPCA 's Centenary Conference in Oxford , a tall slim woman with greying hair drawn back in a pony tail , unobtrusively dressed in a shirt and slacks , came to the podium .
30 They ordered calvados and played canards , dipping the sugar cubes in the tawny liquid so that the surfaces just met , the liqueur drawn up through the sugar , flushing and softening it until at just the right moment , a split second before the sweetness might dissolve and fall into the drink and spoil it , you tipped your head back and took the lump on your tongue and either let it melt there , or gnashed the singingly sweet grit of the sugar grains .
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