Example sentences of "[noun sg] continued [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The necessary appearance of friendship had to be maintained at all times , and patronage continued to flow in the direction of the town of Perth from which the unfortunate Mr. Robinson came .
2 Still the stitch continued to drop in the same area .
3 The snow continued to fall as the Quattro clawed its way eastward towards whatever it was that they were seeking , whatever terrible things were waiting at journey 's end .
4 The tweed-coated figure continued to stare at the page of the book to the left of his plate , ignoring his companion .
5 Be that as it may , there were still those in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who still continued to look on Siberia as an exploited colony whose population and resources were recklessly plundered and despoiled by the central government , whose merchantry continued to suffer under the ‘ economic yoke of Moscow ’ and the commercial interests of the centre , whose native peoples were many of them doomed to extinction , where such civil and political rights and modern judicial institutions as existed in tsarist Russia were largely denied to the population of Siberia , where the cultural and educational infrastructure was inadequate for the region 's needs , and which was still used as a distant dumping ground for the criminal sweepings of the rest of the empire .
6 The family who had owned and operated the mill continued to live in the imposing nearby mill house , but were unable to fund a restoration of the redundant mill , so that when a Repairs Notice was served on them by the local authority , they were obliged to sell the building .
7 General cargo continued to flow through the port but there was a gradual decline in dock activity .
8 In foreign policy , despite his respect for the consistency of the new US President , Ronald Reagan , the Chancellor continued to argue with the Americans .
9 Exploding phosphorus landing on a body continued to burn in the tissue , inflicting indescribable damage .
10 Despite rising expenditure , the ratio of paupers to total population continued to fall from the 1870s and rose only slightly during the depression of 1903–05 .
11 Of the 80 to 90 staff employed in Liverpool and Watford all the 55 directors and senior managers eligible for the relocation package continued to work in the new location and of these 55 , all but three moved to Congleton .
12 Familiarity bred business so it seemed , as established dealers with a limited clientele continued to deal with the same few people day after day , generating sometimes fantastic commissions for themselves , as well as token fines for the overtrading habits that ironically were tacitly encouraged .
13 Rain continued to sweep into the cottage , driven by the strong wind that screamed around the building .
14 And while revolution continued to feature in the magazine — the more parochial Diggers got an outing in the February issue — by that month the caravan had moved on , rather unsteadily to a ‘ Flying saucers issue ’ , where , with some difficulty , Lenin was dragged in for his views .
15 Their lands , which had been seized by the crown in 1308 , by papal decree should have been transferred in 1312 to the Order of the Hospitallers , but in England this transfer was not carried out for some years , during which the king continued to profit from the estates .
16 Further evidence continued to emerge during the second half of 1989 that the world was becoming gradually warmer .
17 The charity continued to pay for the schoolmaster in Saltash , who fulfilled certain conditions , the sum of £6. 17s. 2d. per annum up until 1875 , when the school , run by a Mr. Williams , closed down .
18 Dimity 's thin finger continued to gallop along the needle and she frowned with concentration .
19 The Library continued to participate in the work of such bodies as the , and was represented on the Visual Arts Library and Information Plan steering committee .
20 During 1990-91 the Commission continued to press for the introduction of its policy deregulating European air traffic routes .
21 Trade continued to fluctuate in the 1880s , and from now on worries were regularly expressed in the STC : " however reluctant we may have been to realise the position into which we were slowly but surely drifting " the threat was now a permanent reality . "
22 This firm continued to prosper during the more difficult postwar years , and by the time of Samuel 's death in 1829 was operating extensively as owner , charterer ( especially for the East India Company ) , sailmaker , and chandler .
23 Two Colombian journalists , the last remaining hostages of the nine kidnapped by the " Extraditables " group between August and November 1990 , were freed on May 20 in Bogotá , the capital , as the government continued to negotiate with the Medellín and Calí cartels the terms of surrender of leading " drug barons " .
24 After the initial failure to sell Austin Rover and Leyland Vehicles the government continued to negotiate for the sale of Leyland Bus , which was to have been sold to the Laird Group , the second largest UK bus manufacturer .
25 Earl continued to improve on the , now famous , Wolverton style of carriage design .
26 A woman with long white hair wearing a loose , black dress went on plaiting bright strands of silk ; a young , dark man in a sleeveless jerkin continued to bend over the sketch book in which he was drawing .
27 The man continued to hack at the body , right down to the bone and intestines .
28 However , the emphasis on companionship and sexual harmony was not altogether compatible with the sanctity of marriage , and the contradiction between the importance attached to the quality of the sexual act and the celebration of family life continued to deepen in the years following World War II .
29 Macedonian religious and cultural life continued to flourish under the Byzantines , with Greek and Bulgarian influences fusing with the original Slav elements to produce a rich tradition in literature , wall paintings and wood carving .
30 A lower level of subsidence claims was reported and , apart from the Perth floods which cost the Homeowners account $3m in the first quarter , the account continued to benefit from the absence of severe weather losses .
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