Example sentences of "[noun sg] to work [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With superb research facilities and growing international demand for our expertise , CTL gives you the opportunity to work at the forefront of toxicological research .
2 Where carers admit that abuse has occurred , or are fearful that it may , the worker may have the opportunity to work with the carer ( and where possible , the old person ) on a future strategy .
3 ‘ He is not in good health , and he asks only that his nephew , Nathan , who is sixteen , shall be given the opportunity to work with the firm , starting at the lowest rung of the ladder , to learn the publishing business thoroughly .
4 Her role in Selling Hitler offered Julie , one of five children , the opportunity to work with the director Alistair Reed .
5 ‘ It was a strange situation , but it gave me a unique opportunity to work alongside the workforce under difficult conditions .
6 He found an opportunity to work in the biochemistry laboratory at Cambridge , and then came to Florey .
7 After all , becoming a provisional member of Equity does n't give them work , it merely gives them the opportunity to work in the career for which they have trained .
8 The wife may be unable to get a job and may have little opportunity to work in the house especially if it is customary for servants to do all cooking and housework .
9 However a number of options are open to offer mentally handicapped people a comparable opportunity to work in the community .
10 Analysts were also agreed that its modest size reflected OAS willingness to work with the Bazin regime for a negotiated settlement , since economic sanctions had thus far not been effective in securing the reinstatement of Aristide [ see p. 38905 ] .
11 The commission created a subcommission of members in Paris with Friedel as chairman to work on the document .
12 The Secretary of State for Education and Science has referred to LEAs ' and schools ' ‘ important responsibility to work towards the promotion of equality of opportunity for the different ethnic groups who are part of our national life ’ .
13 This demonstrated the importance of family factors in determining the occupational choice of rural school-leavers — nearly 42 per cent of the respondents stated that they had been influenced by their family in their decision to work on the land .
14 The escalating costs associated with handling this raw material and the uncertain consequences of future government asbestos regulation … have necessitated our decision to work towards the elimination of asbestos from all our friction products and this eventuality has become an essential part of our long-term production and manufacturing plans .
15 According to Marx 's theory the many different units were willing to unite and contribute their labour to work for the despot because this appeared , not as working for him , but as working for ‘ the higher unity ’ , which , they wrongly believed , was the source of their continued existence .
16 Why is Mrs O'Rea able to say that they do not need to hire labour to work on the farm ?
17 However , specialisation in the organ is no indication of a student 's intention to work in the field of church music , for in recent years the organ has become increasingly recognised as a solo instrument in its own right .
18 The rest were moved to Sutton depôt to work on the West Croydon — Sutton service .
19 I have been told that on coming to the village to work in the cement factories and receiving his first weeks wages he asked if it was all his as it was more money than he had ever had in one week .
20 This chapter attempts to answer these questions partly by reference to work in the field and in part through a review and analysis of works of fiction typically used as ‘ whole class readers ’ in the lower years of six secondary comprehensive schools and falls into two parts .
21 Finally , when they get back home once again they are ‘ in demand ’ , and it is in their nature to work for the family again and put their own wants or needs to the bottom of the pile !
22 Senior ACPO members , notably its president Charles McLachlan , the Chief Constable of the Nottinghamshire Constabulary , also prioritised the right to work over the right to picket .
23 There is plenty of room to work in the galley .
24 Seb still contrived to spend a couple of hours with Carrie every Sunday evening to work on the farm 's ledgers , carefully noting down each item of expenditure and the profit made .
25 set up a vision group to work on the direction of future ecumenical interaction in communication ;
26 According to the Bangkok Post of Nov. 2 , more than 40 top-level officials , including Thongsouk Saisangkhi , had formed a Social Democrat Group to work for the introduction of a multi-party democracy .
27 She has a six-month voluntary contract with the government-backed Forest Elephant Group to work in the Omo rain forests .
28 The duty officer was DC Holman , a local man , young enough to be ambitious and anxious to make the most of this chance to work with the crime squad .
29 The next few years were difficult for them all , but when Eb came home , gassed and disabled , he had done his best to put the shop back on a business footing — going in every day to work behind the counter , keeping the books , and not letting customers run up bills they could n't pay .
30 Fashions in education will come and go , politicians , local and national , will peddle their transitory wares , but the long-term effectiveness of our schools will depend ultimately upon there being sufficient teachers of quality to work in the nation 's classrooms .
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