Example sentences of "[prep] [be] responsible for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ONE of the joys of being responsible for a column like this is that the search for news creates opportunities to become involved in developments which are normally outside the availability of most enthusiasts .
2 In late June several hundred PPP supporters had been arrested in Sind on charges of being responsible for a series of recent terrorist incidents in the province .
3 Meanwhile , Ulster Unionist leader Jim Molyneaux today accused John Hume of being responsible for an increase in Sinn Fein 's vote in Belfast .
4 Emec , who was regarded as a conservative , had spoken out publicly against religious fundamentalism and had accused Syria of being responsible for the rising wave of terrorism .
5 It was established that Talb , while in Malta , had met Hafez Dalkammoni , a leading member of Ahmed Jabril 's Damascus-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) , which was suspected by US intelligence of being responsible for the Lockerbie bombing .
6 Finance Minister Barend du Plessis defended the right of the NP to hold the rally , and accused Terreblanche of being responsible for the deaths .
7 Balfour & Sibbald were co-founders of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh , and Balfour is also credited with being responsible for the introduction of the paper-making industry into Scotland .
8 When the Labour Cabinet , in August 1931 , failed to agree on an economy programme , Ramsay MacDonald , in his own words , ‘ strove hard and took great risks in being responsible for the delay , to keep the Government in , because no National Government of any kind is the sort of thing that I should support of my own free choice . '
9 Attacks on adult women were featured in a sustained manner in the search stage in national newspapers only when there had been attacks on several women apparently by the same offender — for instance , a special rape squad was set up when a ‘ sex beast ’ was believed to be responsible for a series of attacks on at least twenty-three women .
10 POLICE are hunting two men believed to be responsible for a break-in in Stisted .
11 Manager John Stronge condemned the gang , which is also believed to be responsible for a series of attacks of the Belfast Castle Estate in recent months , and promised tough action .
12 A BOY of 13 thought to be responsible for a car crimewave sobbed loudly last night as magistrates ruled he should be placed in a secure unit for three months — 300 miles from his home .
13 A BOY of 13 thought to be responsible for a car crimewave sobbed last night as magistrates ruled he should be placed in a secure unit for three months — 300 miles from his home .
14 Edouard , if a man had to be responsible for every little by-blow , where would it end ?
15 Demands for action to clean up sulphur dioxide emissions from power stations , widely believed to be responsible for the ‘ acid rain ’ that was killing forests , lakes and rivers — not just in Scotland , but as far afield as Germany and Scandinavia — were brushed aside on the grounds of inconclusive evidence ; a similar attitude was taken towards the radioactive discharges from the nuclear reprocessing plant at Sellafield .
16 Followers put the decline down to worries about prospects for the drinks company 's French associate , LVMH , amid reports of sharply lower luxury good sales in Tokyo.Similar pressures were said to be responsible for the decline in Rothmans ‘ B , ’ off 10 at £10.99 .
17 because the situations dealt with by professionals are unique , the professional must be given authority to solve them and to be responsible for the outcome .
18 The TECs will continue to be responsible for the YT programme for this age group .
19 In an attempt to analyse which components in particular of the Directive seem to be responsible for the considerable degradation in upland habitats ( and ultimately the flora and fauna they support ) in the UK the implementation of the Directive in the French and UK uplands was studied and compared .
20 It is his duty to be responsible for the safe custody of all the council 's books of record , documents and title and the common seal .
21 At the same time schools continue to be responsible for the provision of high quality education for their students .
22 ‘ The British Library Research and Development Department should , as soon as possible , appoint an Information Officer for User Education , to be responsible for the collection and dissemination of information on activities in , and relevant to , user education ’ .
23 Partly in an attempt to neutralise the Schonfeld lobby , the RC M made a direct appeal to all Jewish organisations to support religious education , an appeal which led to the setting up of an Emergency Committee , on which the full range of religious interests was represented , and the appointment of Rabbi Dr van der Zyl to be responsible for the religious education of Jewish children in London .
24 It is not uncommon for the same Commission officials concerned with proposing draft legislation to be responsible for the enforcement of that legislation against member states when it is passed .
25 For example , the Variscan orogenic cycles started in the Paleozoic era were said to be responsible for the mountain chains of North America , Europe and Africa .
26 Mythical beings are reputed in most cases to be responsible for the art that can not be attributed to their own people .
27 For the East London course , speakers were sent from Church House to be responsible for the study of Hinduism and Islam , but no one was available for Buddhism and Confucianism .
28 The monks used to be responsible for the education of the boys , teaching them the three Rs and the elements of Buddhism , the learning being almost entirely by rote , so that approaching a village one could often hear from a distance the shrill boyish voices as they repeated the lesson after their teacher .
29 For the past two years , I have been questioning whether the Lawn Tennis Association was the right organisation to continue to be responsible for the development of a new generation of men and women tennis players who would be able to take on and compete on level terms with the rest of the world .
30 Section I of this Act clearly sets out how education is to be administered and identifies the bodies which are to be responsible for the implementation of educational policies .
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