Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] the opportunity " in BNC.

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1 They applied for judicial review of the Secretary of State 's decisions and sought orders of certiorari to quash those decisions and declarations that the Secretary of State could not set a period for retribution and deterrence for a mandatory life sentence greater than that recommended by the judiciary , that he was required to tell the applicants the period recommended by the judiciary , and if he departed from it his reasons for so doing , and that the applicants were entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before he determined the period and for that purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State would act which was not in the applicant 's possession .
2 They all seek declarations to the following effect : ( a ) that as a matter of law in the case of a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the Secretary of State is required to set a period for retribution and deterrence which does not exceed the tariff recommended by the judiciary ; ( b ) that the Secretary of State is required by law to tell the prisoner what period the judiciary have recommended , and the reasons for that recommendation , and also if he has departed from that recommendation to tell the prisoner his reason for doing so ; ( c ) that the prisoner is entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before the tariff is set , and for this purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State will make his decision which is not in his , the prisoner 's , possession .
3 If a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence is to be given the opportunity to make representation to the Secretary of State concerning the length of his tariff , as in my judgment he should be , then , for those representations to be effective , he ought to be made aware beforehand of the nature of the judge 's advice .
4 It is good practice for a trainee to be given the opportunity to work in more than one department to broaden his experience .
5 Students in initial training do therefore need to be given the opportunity to examine and analyse written school language policies in practice during their periods of school experience .
6 In particular , it is felt that the student needs to be allowed some freedom to choose the elements of his own course within the disciplines concerned and to be given the opportunity to spend a proportion of his time working outside his chosen disciplines , for which appropriate credit should be given in the assessment of his degree .
7 The House ought to be given the opportunity to see another document : the document that sets out Labour 's programme , and presents the alternative that Labour Members are well able to encapsulate in amendments to motions but always fight shy of actually producing .
8 It 's great to be given the opportunity to try another outdoor activity and I enjoyed the challenge .
9 Ashenden , buttonholed as he was once again in the coffee-lounge by the diminutive dynamo from Sacramento , appeared only too glad to be given the opportunity of escaping , albeit to an interview with Chief Inspector Morse .
10 LONG-STAY hospital patients in Ayr are to be given the opportunity of moving into small staffed community homes thanks to £2.6 million of bridging finance from the National Health Service .
11 There 's a lot of emphasis these days about individuals growing as individuals , but are you really saying that because women are obviously individuals they ought to be given the opportunity of growing in a way that they could only do if they had jobs ?
12 In order to make sparing use of parliamentary time , the role of Parliament is restricted to being offered the opportunity to say ‘ yea ’ or ‘ nay ’ to ‘ proposals ’ emanating from a delegate .
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