Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] enough [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The real mystery about his story is not why two wives refused to make love to him , but how he stopped talking about himself long enough to invite them to bed in the first place .
2 As Scott said later , the judges ‘ were not Gothicly disposed and though they awarded premiums to all the best Gothic designs they took care not to put any of them high enough to have much chance ’ .
3 Her sleeve of care was unravelled all right : her life was a basket of woollen shreds , all shades and textures and not one of them long enough to do anything with .
4 Those of us near enough to have observed this were by now climbing onto chairs and beds and squealing , ‘ It 's a mouse ! ’ , but Rosie continued her progression into bed , pulled the clothes up to her nose and regarded us all with mild astonishment .
5 He brought you back here , and you stayed with him long enough to get him to part with the doge 's ring … ’
6 When I examined the differences between success and failure in change projects or development efforts , I found that one major difference was simply time — staying with it long enough to make it work .
7 ‘ Following the failure of the stabiliser rear spar top chord , the structure could not sustain the flight loads imposed upon it long enough to enable the failure to be detected by the then existing inspection schedule .
8 Dauntless doubted whether she could direct her attention upon anything long enough to sustain a sense of faith .
9 " The language of section 142(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925 seems to me wide enough to enable an action to be brought by [ D ] against [ L ] .
10 What I want you to do is try and hold on to it in your brain then when I 've finished write it down in the appropriate box and see if you can hold on to it long enough to do that .
11 My chances of getting my hands on it long enough to give it the once-over were minimal , and I did n't fancy trying to steal it off Harley .
12 Coffin had been at it long enough to know that was the way truth lay , that in the untidiness lay the answers .
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