Example sentences of "[prep] [art] letter to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was red , I 'm sure he was lying , as he lied about the letter to D and M.
2 Scott was told of the effect of Ruskin 's intervention over Freeman 's letter in The Times by George Dasent , the assistant editor , which coupled with the tone of the letter to Dallas ensured that by late 1859 there was a complete breach between Scott and Ruskin .
3 We have already quoted part of the letter to Rohde , written in December , which gives the best testimony to Nietzsche 's state of mind : " Let us drag on in this university existence for a few more years …
4 The breakthrough came in 1980 , when we received a copy of a letter to Michael Heseltine from a former Labour minister who had been responsible for historic buildings under the previous government .
5 After he became king , Aldhelm wrote a treatise on metre for him in the form of a letter to Arcircius ( Aldfrith ) and Adomnán , abbot of Iona , gave him a copy of his work on The Holy Places ( HE V , 15 ) .
6 The end-result of a letter to Chief Alhaji Hamman Maiduguri .
7 written like a letter to Points Of View
8 They comment : ‘ As referred to in the interim report , including the letter to shareholders , the validity of the going concern basis is dependent upon the terms of the resolution of the group 's disputes with its contractors , the continued availability of the finance arranged with its bankers and the raising of additional funding to enable the trading operations of the Channel Tunnel system to progress to a point at which the group becomes cash generative net of funding costs . ’
9 Then there was a tobacco tin with a little boy 's treasures — marbles , a long-dead spider , gaudy stamps from Helvetia and Madagascar and a piece of blue glass with a letter to Santa Claus wrapped round it : ‘ Dear Santa , Will you bring mi dadi back for crismas and a cowboi set . ’
10 When in 1953 Wyndham Lewis suggested a further campaign to release Pound from confinement , Eliot at first advised against any precipitate step : a number of proposals were being considered — including a letter to President Eisenhower — but he was wary of doing anything from England without being sure that there was approval for such moves in America .
11 But Ferranti said yesterday : ‘ The report confirms that Coopers & Lybrand have found no information which would lead them to suspect that the Ferranti International balance sheet exposure to fraud was any different from that referred to in the letter to shareholders dated 29 September .
12 The reference in the letter to Lul to disturbances in the Church and the fact that Alhred was dethroned in York may hold the key to part of the explanation — that Alhred did not perhaps enjoy the support of Aethelberht , archbishop of York , who had replaced his kinsman Ecgberht in 767 .
13 He does note , in the letter to Zasulich , Morgan 's hope for a future society , which would abandon the obsession with private property , but at the same time he makes it clear that he rightly does not consider Morgan a socialist or a revolutionary .
14 In the letter to Mr Fallon Lord Swaythling said there was no doubt that Labour 's policies about tobacco advertising and sponsorship could lead to a reduction in jobs at Rothmans in the North-East of England .
15 As to the second stage , like the Court of Appeal I can see no ground for impugning the grounds for decision stated in the letter to Mr. Choudhury .
16 Here , as elsewhere , heterodoxy was built into the whole conception , as Nietzsche intimated in the letter to Rohde : " I 'm afraid it wo n't look philological ; but who can go against his own nature ? "
17 In reply to your points in the letter to Graham Dann ( 12 March ) , we are certainly doing our best to find sponsorship , and I enclose copies of letters recently sent to public companies in search of support .
18 In the letter to patients the doctors write : ‘ It is our belief that health boards and fund holding general practitioners will find that they are , like anyone else in the health service , short of money and that they may be reluctant to purchase [ these services ] on behalf of their patients . ’
19 Raskolnikov 's ‘ incomplete smile ’ is the index of those ‘ half-baked ’ ( literally , ‘ incomplete ’ ) ideas which Dostoevsky writes about in the letter to Katkov .
20 Taken from a letter to Office Cleaning branch manager in Leeds , Chris McKay , from a bank manager .
21 From a letter to Francesco Gonzaga , written in 1622 and published by A. Luzio , in which among others a self-portrait of Tintoretto is offered to him , Pittalunga argues that the Paris picture may have been the one mentioned and which formed part of Rubens 's estate .
22 He wrote in a letter to Victor Nekrasov : ‘ You have in Moscow , in the churches of the Kremlin , many magnificent Byzantine frescoes .
23 By last year , in a letter to CPRE , junior environment minister David Trippier said : ‘ Charges have been introduced only for the detailed conservation and environmental services which ADAS now provides ; for example , full guidance on design , planning , management and budgetary aspects of conservation projects together , if necessary , with supervision of the work concerned . ’
24 In a letter to Arthur Greeves , he said that Warnie and Mrs Moore liked each other , ‘ and , I hope , as W. gets broken into domestic life , they may come to do so still more : but in the interval mere is a ticklish time ahead and in any case it is a big sacrifice of our …
25 In a letter to Arthur Dunkel , the GATT Director-General , on Jan. 1 , the then Minister for Economic Affairs , Chen Li-an , sought entry for the " customs territory " of " Taiwan , Penghu , Kinmen , Matsu " — a formula which avoided the assertion of sovereign statehood .
26 In a letter to Gonzalez on May 15 the US Attorney-General William Barr described the inquiry as " harmful to national security " and said that the executive branch would provide no more classified information until specific assurances were received that the documents would not be made public .
27 In a letter to Hopkins on the Southampton situation dated 10 August 1911 , he wrote " all the reforms the Southampton people are asking for we discussed at the Executive Meeting before the strike took place and we were all agreed that certain alterations had to take place , but when women and children are starving in one port and there is money locked up in Southampton I think it is one of the most cruel tragedies imaginable " .
28 In a letter to Peter Brooke , Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage , the Council for the protection of Rural England and the Council for British Archaeology have joined their voices to that of the National Trust in calling for a public review of the new strategy .
29 He was filled with a passionate delight in the company of his friends , of Dorothy especially , and joyfully announced in a letter to Jose Cottle the news that ‘ Wordsworth & his exquisite Sister ’ had arrived :
30 In a letter to Robson she described their rekindled passion , feeling only slightly aggrieved that she could not put her arms around him ( presumably they go straight through ) .
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