Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] responsibility for the " in BNC.

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1 Here the governors ' role is crucial because of their responsibility for the overall conduct and ethos of the school .
2 It 's good to see that so many children are becoming literate in the ways of the countryside and gaining knowledge of their responsibility for the planet .
3 In any case , many royal clerks would see no sharp distinction between royal and church business or between clerical taxation and clerical reform , both of which were relevant to the well-being of the church : for many clergy , as indeed for Winchelsey , the solvency of the crown was part of their responsibility for the Christian commonwealth .
4 ‘ The department will also decide to send staff on courses as part of its responsibility for the development of professional and non-professional staff ’ …
5 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
6 ‘ of and … concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund the following words …
7 Several nearby Frenchmen started belatedly to the rescue , but the guilty knowledge of his responsibility for the impending disaster had lent Joseph 's legs extra speed .
8 Shaun Gooch was also accused of lying about the role of the second driver on trial , Anthony Gallagher , to wriggle out of his responsibility for the crash .
9 Fleetwood 's powers thus lapsed , and Blackpool retained control over the line , bringing with it responsibility for the track and the roadway up to 18″ on either side .
10 In April 1992 , the month in which responsibility for the financing , organization and management of the Magistrates ' courts passed to the Lord Chancellor 's Department , machinery of government changes made in the aftermath of the General Election transferred five existing Home Office functions to other departments .
11 The government has also failed in its responsibility for the Health and Sa Safety Executive by restricting year after year adequate resources for them to carry out the function that they were designed for .
12 The Bedford Area Committee , in addition to its responsibility for the administration of relief , had the job of visiting , inspecting , and managing what is now the North Wing of Bedford General Hospital .
13 Major changes were , however , left to the new Legal Aid Board , to which responsibility for the management of the legal aid and advice schemes was transferred from the Law Society , and are still in the pipeline .
14 Will the Prime Minister come out of his ivory tower across the road , put his photo calls on hold and face up to his responsibility for the past 13 years of Government mismanagement , which has culminated in the worst economic crisis since the 1930s ?
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