Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] of the order " in BNC.

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1 If oil in these quantities were to be found China 's production could be double today 's level by the end of the century with a consequent addition to government revenues of something of the order of $10 billion per year .
2 About was by far the commonest ( about 10 percent of the animals developed the virus ) , and there were a large number of hedges which were used before and after statistics , such as almost 10% , and 10%plus or minus , along with several multiple hedges , such as something of the order of 10% .
3 So we 're talking there for about something of the order of twenty nine thousand develop erm dwellings committed in one form or other er in North Yorkshire .
4 Well , I 've read them pretty closely and though there 's no date or any positive indication in them of the order in which they were written , there does seem to be a progression of a sort .
5 Morton ( 1968 ) therefore proposed that logogen activation ‘ … decays very rapidly with time , reaching its original value in something of the order of 1 second . ’
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