Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] carry [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 He had called in a local firm of builders to carry out the essential brickwork , plastering and re-tiling on the roof ; after that , he took a hand in the redecoration personally , splashing on new paint and putting up wallpaper .
2 Both the bid for Channel Five and plans for the new Teleport to be operated at South Gyle , carrying signals for both Television and Telecommunications via satellite , cable and fibre optic lines , are well advanced and require the continued integration of technologies to carry on the task of promoting Edinburgh as a centre of excellence in the new media .
3 I heard the sound of voices carried on the thin air .
4 They heard the horn again , the sound of hounds carried on the still air .
5 Some of the structures simply ended , hanging in space ; others terminated in smaller versions of the main station , like a cluster of eggs carried on the leg of an insect ; still others , following their skewed paths , met and became united with each other , producing strange hybrids .
6 It also alleges they hired Norman White , 30 , of Gloucester , with the promise of £30,000 to carry out the killing .
7 The lack of training to carry out the job .
8 Police say two crews of men carried out the work and are seeking two men in their 50s driving a red transit van and three men in their 30s driving a small van .
9 LIFESPAN uses a hierarchy of Options to carry out the required tasks , each option consisting of one or more Pages .
10 At the same time , the proportion of freight carried on the railways between 1980 and 1990 dropped from 9% to 7% , while the proportion using road transport rose to 83% .
11 It might be possible to use an annual grant of £300 to carry out the necessary paintwork .
12 It might be possible to use an annual grant of £300 to carry out the necessary paintwork .
13 She hesitated momentarily before she said , ‘ I hope it will be someone with sons to carry on the property .
14 The deed authorises the bank to appoint a receiver and manager of the company 's undertaking , with power to carry on the company 's business .
15 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
16 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
17 Also Chris Protheroe was still in Lusaka carrying out the more routine , though no less important , procedures in the field to ensure that all necessary information was recorded before the team left .
18 Fulfilling her promise , construction began on the monastery in Greyabbey , with craftsmen from the house of Holm Cultra in Cumbria carrying out the work .
19 Surgeons the Great Ormond Street children 's hospital in Lonmdon carried out the operation overnight .
20 The Prosecution alleges that Stokle 's former girlfriend , Shiela Stroud from Staunton carried out the murder attempt with her boyfriend Mark Evans , and a hired hitman Norman White .
21 The second and third ranks of foot were to stay flat on the ground throughout the manoeuvre , and then , in turn carry out the same tactic .
22 It required servicing approximately once a month and usually three electricians from Scunthorpe carried out the work .
23 To remove embryos from oviducts carry out the following steps .
24 We think , therefore , that it is absolutely necessary in order to carry on the Business of this Establishment , as perfectly as possible , that two such Characters should be appointed — and we , in consequence suggest , that altho ’ each be as much as possible qualified in both Departments , yet if one were to devote himself to one Branch and the other to the other branch — the College would be much more usefully directed — for , if one Professor were fully qualified for both — yet so arduous a task could not possibly be executed by one Man only .
25 Many were surprised when he and Sir Thomas Lee ( who later admitted to receiving money from the lord treasurer , Thomas , first Baron Clifford of Chudleigh , q.v. ) supported the government in February 1673 in its request for £1.2 million in order to carry on the war with the Dutch .
26 If the new democracies are denied markets for their goods , then they will be unable to obtain the hard currency they urgently need in order to carry out the far-reaching reforms that will modernise their economies .
27 In 1985 there were 791 cataloguers , two administrators and 169 photographers ; in order to carry out the current drive the number of employees has been set at 4,463 .
28 I assume that every effort will be made to ease the task by mutual cooperation of the solicitors and accountants concerned in order to carry out the court 's order .
29 In order to carry out the exercise required by section 2(1) it would be essential , in my judgment , to evaluate the relative responsibilities of the third defendant and the third party .
30 He told the King that he would prefer MacDonald to remain in office in order to carry out the necessary programme of economies ; but that if he failed to carry enough of his colleagues with him , then the best alternative would be for MacDonald to head a National Government containing members of all three parties .
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