Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] the whole " in BNC.

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1 The window was barred on the outside but this did not seem unreasonable as there was only one thin wall of barbed wire as defence for the whole camp .
2 It is not adequate for describing the task 's operators , nor does it suffice for description of the whole search space .
3 You can insure personal items worth £1,000 for the whole year AND get holiday cover , for just £12 to £15 on your home insurance .
4 As part of the whole process of computerising its information systems , Catering & Allied is making neat use of the Psion Organiser II alongside personal computers loaded with the Caterdata software from T IS .
5 Tasks , leading into programmes , will be arranged against the reference of the framework , varying infinitely in depth or extent , contributing no only to localised progress but also as part of the whole Northern interest .
6 While Christians see the suffering of Jesus as part of the whole human experience , they also see Jesus ' suffering as inevitable in a unique way .
7 She probably just had to have her little weep as part of the whole business .
8 If the class is working in small groups as part of the whole group , try to ensure these groups are interdependent , that they can see how their work relates to that of others .
9 Together they handle incoming requests for help from the whole company , many for translations of technical material , contracts , safety reports , business correspondence , patent specifications and standards .
10 Pound there , it is plain — for instance , in his comment on Hilaire Belloc — is as unwilling as any Marxist to abstract a question like the proper language for poetry from the whole social matrix and milieu in which such a subject may get itself debated .
11 The Munn Report examined the structure of the curriculum in the last two years of compulsory schooling in Scotland , and carried out its work almost at the same time as the Dunning Committee considered the aims , purposes and forms of assessment for the whole ability range .
12 OWN FINANCES A spokesman for Cleveland education department said it was difficult to assess accurately the total cost of vandalism across the whole county because many schools now controlled their own finances .
13 So she rehearsed the triumphs and achievements of the Thatcher Revolution and laid lavish claim to having lit in Britain the torch of freedom for the whole world .
14 There was a certain amount of rearrangement as the whole audience linked .
15 Moreover , ventilation is impeded by the bad , confused method of building of the whole quarter , and since many human beings here live crowded into a small space , the atmosphere that prevails in these working-men 's quarters may readily be imagined .
16 The problem became one of underachievement across the whole age and ability range .
17 So what we can what it effectively does is count sort of sub-patterns within the whole pattern and how well we 're recognizing those .
18 Anselm 's procedure in this case reflects the principle on which his theology was built : he accepted the statements of faith of the whole Christian community , and set about finding explanations which satisfied the demands of reason .
19 Alternative careers — a number of LEAs have mounted events involving school pupils in non–traditional activities providing girls ( and boys ) with the opportunity of ‘ having a go ’ at a variety of activities across the whole employment range .
20 The three men stood together for some time while the long-faced sheep ambled around them , sometimes coming close to examine them but scuttering away at the slightest of their movements , sending a ripple of bells through the whole flock .
21 In spring 1991 a research project was used to further the debate in a broader context of views about the whole decision-making process within the school .
22 Taking a series of views across the whole situation , referred to as the hill tops approach by Mcloughlin and Brown , recognises that the wider system could be instrumental in :
23 The proportions of cases in the whole database in the three groups were 78.7% , 8.3% , and 13.0% , respectively .
24 When we discussed it , it became clear that there is a wide spectrum of response to the whole issue of private care , that the response from within the statutory services tends to be one of suspicion , tends to be one of sometimes a fairly moralistic approach and this is quite at odds with the response we are seeing from the government which tends to go to the other end of the spectrum and be promoting private care as the solution to many of the problems of service provision and volume that are being encountered at the moment .
25 They took over the farm at Blind Beck and Willie pioneered the collection of milk throughout the whole dale .
26 Public statutes are the will of Parliament for the whole country and apply to local authorities of each class alike , whereas private statutes apply to the local authority which obtains from Parliament the private statute .
27 Consequently , the Rationalist is a dangerous and expensive character to have in control of affairs , and he does most damage , not when he fails to master the situation ( his politics , of course , are always in terms of mastering situations and surmounting crises ) , but when he appears to be successful ; for the price we pay for each of his apparent successes is a firmer hold of the intellectual fashion of Rationalism upon the whole life of society .
28 It currently appears unlikely that either directive will be implemented before the end of 1991 because of disputes over the whole Company Law Statute , which the Germans in particular are not happy about .
29 Take a typical staircase in your home ( 3–35° ) , tilt it to match the angle of the sides of Egypt 's Great Pyramids at Giza ( 52° ) , remove some of the steps , and shovel ice and a couple of feet of snow over the whole affair .
30 In Shapiro , following the logic of both Cady , Roberts and Texas Gulf Sulphur , it was decided that an insider owed a duty of disclosure to the whole marketplace .
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