Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " There is no chance of maintaining the present state of affairs , " he added .
2 Erm the point about the regional census study was that it did a reasonably good job of analyzing the present situation , but not a very good job of the projections .
3 On 3 March the Adjutant-General of the army directed a standing committee of general officers to report inter alia whether the instruction at the College was such as to furnish the means of improving the present practice of farriery .
4 Multiple use of easier-to-get conventional credit cards could have the effect of removing the present credit limit long-stop defence against overspending , without replacing it by the specially stringent customer vetting process which unlimited credit surely needs .
5 THE cost of dismantling the present system of local government and replacing it with single-tier councils is likely to become a vitally important issue now that the Scottish Office has admitted that its consultants , Touche Ross , appear to have got their sums wrong .
6 We also incidentally know that it is not the beginning ( although that , being known in advance by participants , is not part of what is communicated ) , because there is no token of a conversational opening ( like hello ) , and the particle so with which utterance ( i ) begins has the function of tying the present utterance back to prior utterances .
7 ( 2 ) Granting the application , that the central objective of the category of public interest immunity involved was the maintenance of an honourable , disciplined , law-abiding and uncorrupt police force ; that therefore , in view of the public disquiet understandably aroused by proven malpractice of some members of the disbanded West Midlands Serious Crime Squad , and of the extensive publicity already attaching to the authority 's documents following B. 's successful appeal , it could not be said that those who had co-operated in the authority 's investigation would regret that co-operation , or that future generations of potential witnesses would withhold it , if the court were to release the documents to the applicants to enable them to defeat if they could an allegedly corrupt claim in damages ; that the imperative public interest in the case was that the applicants had a proper opportunity of obtaining the evidence they sought so that the grave allegations which they made , and were the same allegations that had troubled the Court of Appeal sufficiently to allow B. 's appeal , could be properly tested in the courts ; and that , accordingly , B. 's undertaking would be varied to allow him to hand over to the applicants those of the authority 's documents which were incorporated in his appeal bundle , the applicants for their part undertaking to use those documents only for the purposes of defending the present libel proceedings pursued against them ( post , pp. 927G — 928A , B ) .
8 Meanwhile , the use of selective internment on both sides of the border as a means of curbing the present spate of violence was rejected today by the Republic 's Minister for Foreign Affairs , Dick Spring , and by the SDLP leader , John Hume .
9 The group of organisms — the flock of birds , the pack of wolves — does not merge into a single vehicle , precisely because the genes in the flock or the pack do not share a common method of leaving the present vehicle .
10 I understand also that Scorton Tennis Club will be contacting you direct concerning financial aid towards tarmacing the present grass court and thus making it suitable for all weather use both by members of the club , visitors to the village and pupils of the village school .
11 Britain , a few years ago , denied extradition to Italy of a convicted terrorist , saying piously that ‘ his personal conduct ’ was not ‘ such as to constitute a present threat to one of the fundamental interests of society ’ .
12 Furthermore , do the recommendations for reform presently advocated come anywhere near improving the present situation ?
13 Tom Clarke , shadow Scottish secretary , said Mr Lang 's justification for dismantling the present system was to bring about savings .
14 ( The reason for giving the present proof will appear in exercise 3.3.5 . )
15 The joint chiefs of staff assessed Korea in September and concluded that ‘ from the standpoint of military security , the United States has little strategic interest in maintaining the present troops and bases in Korea … ’ .
16 This is always true and follows from using the present values of redemption cash flows rather than actual values , a procedure that gives greater weight to earlier cash flows .
17 And he 's been invaluable in organizing the present conference .
18 I agree that , in handling the present situation after the issue of the Lockerbie warrants , we need to keep in close touch both with Arab friends and European partners , and that is what we are doing .
19 I can only record that prisoners and prison staff displayed a rare unanimity in condemning the present system .
20 The problem in understanding the present structure of the universe is that , after evolving for 10 billion years following the big bang , it has become very clumpy and matter has aggregated into galaxies and clusters and superclusters of galaxies .
21 It is a common enough feature of Hebrew poetry to make it worth asking of every parallelistic couplet whether any gain in understanding may result from applying the present concept to it .
22 Your Lordships then invited the parties to consider whether they wished to present further argument on the question whether it was appropriate for the House ( under Practice Statement ( Judicial Precedent ) [ 1966 ] 1 W.L.R. 1234 ) to depart from previous authority of this House which forbids reference to such material in construing statutory provisions and , if so , what guidance such material provided in deciding the present appeal .
23 How effective has occupational pension provision been in removing the present generation of ‘ young elderly ’ women , currently aged 60–75 , from poverty ?
24 It was rather a joint discussion of whether it was better to precipitate a strike or the unemployment which would result from continuing the present terms .
25 We believe that at least partial answers to these questions will emerge later in this book — we shall certainly return to them — but a few brief comments are worth setting down before closing the present chapter .
26 It is wholly inappropriate and a slur on parents ' intelligence to imply , as your correspondent does , that coercion and possibly intimidation have played a part in achieving the present levels of support for change .
27 In reading the present volume , it will quickly be evident that while the contributors have been considerably influenced by the views and concerns of Margaret Donaldson , they in no sense follow any ‘ Donaldsonian line ’ .
28 Before concluding the present chapter , a brief discussion of phase-shift networks is appropriate .
29 The formula for calculating the present value of a series of equal payments is :
30 It is in terms of such a paradigm — broadly conceived , and preferred among the diverse methodological orientations that I discussed in the Introduction for its greater fruitfulness and explanatory potential — that I have analysed political movements , change and conflict throughout this book ; and in these final pages I should like to consider briefly the contribution it can make to understanding the present state of the world and its likely evolution in a medium-term future of two or three decades .
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