Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 So much of the hydro-electricity around the world is , in fact , used as a storage of energy , and at present there is a scheme under discussion round Loch Lomond for building a high level dam and storage system with power station in a region of particularly scenic beauty , of great importance to the Scots .
2 Both LEEL , which put up £75,000 , and the region , are understood to hold deep reservations about maintaining the same level of support .
3 Because of the consciousness of using the correct level of language in a conversation or discussion , any interpreter one engages may unconsciously modify statements going from English to Japanese and back to English again , according to the rank of the people involved .
4 Proposals to introduce mandatory re-entry programmes for nurses and health visitors linked to periodic relicensing are one way of maintaining a safe level of practice , and a logical step forward in promoting the importance of maintaining such safety .
5 According to the report , the proposed staffing structures for the projected new unitary authorities do not appear to be capable of maintaining the current level and quality of services and management practices .
6 Electronic advances have to be balanced against the priority of maintaining the necessary level of acquisitions , for instance .
7 To open yourself up to someone like that , I am a failure , then you 're kind of establishing a different level of relationship are n't you .
8 Ultimately , though , Live have a way to go if they are to find the rock niche they seek and ‘ Mental Jewelry ’ — despite possessing a great level of enthusiasm and commitment — is not representative enough of any one particular musical genre to fully captivate a specific audience .
9 The grant is now needs based and designed to compensate local authorities for differences in the cost of providing a standard level of service in each area .
10 Second , grants may be justified as a method of redistributing the burden of providing an equal level of services among local authorities that differ in both their needs and their available resources .
11 For example , having expanded components 1.0 to 7.0 of the model shown in Fig 12.5 , it became apparent that the main input to sub-system 8.0 ( ie ‘ adjust income/expenditure ’ ) was the detail of the College allocation of the total budget , with secondary inputs of information about the actual costs of providing the appropriate level of education .
12 Does the Minister accept that UKIAS is not capable of providing the same level of professional advice as can presently be provided under the legal aid system ?
13 Apart from a few lone voices ( see , for example , R. F. Kahn 's evidence to the Radcliffe Committee in 1958 ) , most economists tended to shunt the problem of inflation to the nether recesses of their minds , concentrating instead upon other , more pressing problems such as the difficulties of reconciling a high level of employment with balance of payments equilibrium .
14 We have fought long and hard for a certain amount of privacy in society , especially within the home , but this has not been without cost , and now we search for ways of re-establishing the collective level , as it is a part of women 's nature to do .
15 It is a common and enormously frustrating experience for foreign language learners , presented with the opportunity to participate in authentic conversation with native speakers , to fail to join in successfully , despite having a high level of proficiency in the classroom .
16 The use of B avoids the problem of estimating the normal level of government expenditure which , ADD argue , Barro handles inconsistently since he assumes that agents form their expectations about normal government expenditure using an adaptive expectations mechanism , while assuming that agents form their expectations rationally elsewhere in the system .
17 The strategy for maintaining collusion consists of choosing a critical level of price such that , if market price falls below that level , firms infer cheating and enter a punishment phase , a price war .
18 But there are two ways of interpreting the high level of agreements being reached between farmer and park authority .
19 The move , which doctors have welcomed as a huge step towards showing the true level of smoking-related deaths , follows lengthy talks between the British Medical Association , the Census Office and coroners ' representatives .
20 In terms of target levels , because of the importance to the individual of receiving the correct level of payment , then 100% attainment would probably be aimed for .
21 Although this strategy has met with limited success in terms of reducing the overall level ( Dunleavy , 1990 ) , it has had severe implications for the management of public sector organisations .
22 Glass credits her with raising the general level of musicianship in the United States and the debt he owes to her tyranny is ‘ a sense of style , accomplishment and a technique that I simply did n't have before . ’
23 However in maintaining a high level of performance , it uses vast amounts of oxygen from the system which is detrimental to the stock , unless it is rapidly replaced .
24 One theory holds that under-achievers , such as women who drop out of school before completing a given level , may also have some demographic characteristics conducive to adverse infant and child mortality conditions , such as undesirable fertility patterns , for example .
25 Ernest Marples became Minister of Transport and succeeded in establishing a new level of priority for road and transport matters .
26 One problem For the Chinese is in guaranteeing a consistent level of purity to customers .
27 Fundamentally this consists in locating the appropriate level of organization at which any issue can best be resolved .
28 That anyone could dream up the notion of quantifying time spent on prayers was indicative of the ‘ scientific ’ attitude of the central authorities , to whose actions in 1922 we now turn briefly before considering the middle level of the local party men in Smolensk .
29 The Hawthorne experiments that we discussed earlier indicated that peer group pressure was more important in determining an acceptable level of output irrespective of the demands of management .
30 The offeror and its financial advisers will therefore have to work to a large extent in isolation in determining the right level of consideration .
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