Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to [det] matter " in BNC.

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1 A licensing board will be held to have failed to exercise its discretion in a reasonable man tier by not giving due consideration to a matter , such as objections , if there is absence of reference to that matter in the statement of reasons ( R. W. Cairns Ltd. v. Busby East Church kirk Session , 1985 S.L.T. 493 ) .
2 Section 10(3) ( b ) goes further : ( b ) any failure to do more in relation to any matter than is required by — ( i ) any safety regulations imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( ii ) any standards if safety approved for the purposes of this subsection by or under any such regulations and imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( iii ) any provision of any enactment or subordinate legislation imposing such requirements with respect to that matter as are designated for the purposes of this subsection by any such regulations .
3 Section 10(3) ( b ) goes further : ( b ) any failure to do more in relation to any matter than is required by — ( i ) any safety regulations imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( ii ) any standards if safety approved for the purposes of this subsection by or under any such regulations and imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( iii ) any provision of any enactment or subordinate legislation imposing such requirements with respect to that matter as are designated for the purposes of this subsection by any such regulations .
4 Section 10(3) ( b ) goes further : ( b ) any failure to do more in relation to any matter than is required by — ( i ) any safety regulations imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( ii ) any standards if safety approved for the purposes of this subsection by or under any such regulations and imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( iii ) any provision of any enactment or subordinate legislation imposing such requirements with respect to that matter as are designated for the purposes of this subsection by any such regulations .
5 Although that right had been curtailed by s 2(2) of the 1987 Act , which requires a person under investigation to answer questions from the SFO ( or otherwise furnish information ) with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation , the effect of the immunity had been preserved by s 2(8) , which provided that a statement made in accordance with s 2 could only be used in evidence against the person who made it either on a prosecution for knowingly making a false statement ( or recklessly making such ) , or on a prosecution for some other offence where , in giving evidence , that person made a statement which was inconsistent with it .
6 ( 2 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person whose affairs are to be investigated ( ‘ the person under investigation ’ ) or any other person whom he has reason to believe has relevant information to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation at a specified place and either at a specified time or forthwith .
7 ( 1 ) To require the person whose affairs are to be investigated to answer questions and furnish information with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation .
8 ( 3 ) To require any other person to answer questions and furnish information with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation .
9 … ( 6 ) Schedule 12 to this Act has effect for the purposes of this section and , in that Schedule — ( a ) Part I prescribes the matters for which provision must be made by a scheme if it is to be a scheme which qualifies for recognition for the purposes of this section ; ( b ) Part II prescribes the matters action in relation to any of which must be subject to investigation under a scheme if it is to qualify for recognition for the purpose of investigations in relation to that matter ; and ( c ) Part III contains other requirements to which a scheme must conform if it is to be so recognised .
10 Since the most important acts of the Community require the concurrence of the Council , and since the prevailing understanding is that in relation to any matter which any member state considers to affect its own vital national interests , unanimity must prevail , the Community appears as at most a confederation with restricted , albeit important , powers .
11 ( 7 ) A person shall not be disqualified from acting as a member of a licensing board in relation to any matter by reason only that as a member of a committee constituted under section 47 of this Act he was concerned with the matter in question .
12 To attend all directions appointments and hearings , unless excused , and to advise the court orally or in writing : ( i ) whether the child is of sufficient understanding for any purpose including refusal to submit to medical or psychiatric examination or other assessment ; ( ii ) what the child 's wishes are in relation to any matter relevant to the proceedings including his own attendance at court ; ( iii ) which is the appropriate forum for the proceedings ; ( iv ) what is the appropriate timing of the proceedings ; ( v ) what options are available to the court , the suitability of each and what order should be made .
13 Section 10(3) ( b ) goes further : ( b ) any failure to do more in relation to any matter than is required by — ( i ) any safety regulations imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( ii ) any standards if safety approved for the purposes of this subsection by or under any such regulations and imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( iii ) any provision of any enactment or subordinate legislation imposing such requirements with respect to that matter as are designated for the purposes of this subsection by any such regulations .
14 But there is another memory that has remained with me very vividly in relation to this matter .
15 The evidence which is directed to the appellants ' intentions in relation to this matter of contempt is , first , that the appellants claim that the terms of the injunction made by the deputy judge in October 1989 were not explained to them .
16 It is understood that there has been a difference in practice within the profession in relation to this matter .
17 Well I 'm bothered about her health and that and that 's what I must emphasize to her if she 's listening that er as far as we 're concerned we would want to just give her some sympathy advice and support in relation to this matter .
18 Yes I can appreciate that but at this moment I 'm not worried or bothered about any prosecutions in relation to this matter I 'm bothered about the ch the child 's er health .
19 There is then a statement from Peter erm who was the partner with the said firm with whom the plaintiffs dealt at all the relevant times in relation to this matter .
20 Er , but that assertion needs to be examined just a little more closely because the British government are not without blame in relation to this matter , er the issues er affecting these forthcoming elections should have been resolved at the Edinburgh summit during the presidency of the British government .
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