Example sentences of "[noun sg] does n't come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , regarding this business of Buffy and the apple , you know — the pig does n't come into it until the end .
2 Can I suggest to him , in relation to this issue , that patriotism does n't come into it — except in one sense .
3 If I were saying here that I do n't approve , then obviously it would be of no value , it would just be generation gap inanity , but it 's not that , and approval does n't come into the equation .
4 The best publicity does n't come from banging a big drum but from personal recommendation , though when schools do something worthwhile we should make sure that the public know all about it .
5 I believe Eubank is already planning another defence before Christmas and Benn 's name does n't come near the list .
6 You carry it out , and as long as the lid As long as you pack stuff so that the top does n't come above the le level of the lid , you wo n't get any damage done , and it 's much easier .
7 But if the enquiry does n't come to anything you 've not got a master job file .
8 Being a rugby player , I mean , suppleness does n't come into their training an awful lot , so what tends to happen , if your muscles are n't loose and your running around , the slightest jar attacks and pulls muscles , you injure yourself , so if the muscles are more supple , which aerobics does do , then you 'll find that erm injuries erm do n't occur as often or should n't .
9 Sadly girth does n't come into play in Bully 's , nor does pint supping .
10 That 's what I 've been telling myself all these years , but sense does n't come into it , ca n't change how you feel .
11 But fairness does n't come into it really .
12 That ‘ fairness does n't come into it ’ is of considerable significance for Roger .
13 If he uses the ruler to transfer a measurement from one piece of his work to another then they are going to be identical ; accuracy of the ruler does n't come into it .
14 Beauty does n't come into it , because I am not terribly interested in words like ‘ beauty ’ and ‘ truth ’ .
15 ‘ If you want to be with someone , then tiredness does n't come into it . ’
16 Money does n't come into it .
17 Nothing to do with public morality ; the public does n't come into this .
18 Actually how you feel about SO&sub2 ; [ sulphur-dioxide ] coming out of a bottle does n't come into it , you know .
19 For example , for a diamond anniversary you could create a diamond-shaped picture , so try a little lateral thinking if at first an idea does n't come to mind .
20 so I have Sally , and , and er , her mum always cooks a meal in the evening so I , I do something like toasted cheese sandwiches or beans on toast or something like that at lunch time , but there was one time when she wanted peanut butter and , all her brother used to ask , I , her brother does n't come to me now , he stays at home cos he 's going on fifteen , and as he 's next door but one anyway , you know if , if anything goes wrong he can come along to me , but all he wanted was my homemade blackcurrant jam , and now he does n't come any more I 've got to actually give him
21 Sex appeal does n't come into it , but femininity certainly does . ’
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