Example sentences of "[noun sg] he heard the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was met by Kjell-Arne , his kennel boy , who told him that when he was eating his lunch he heard the noise of a dog scratching against the door .
2 In a moment he heard the door of the flat open again and Irina was close beside him .
3 He was just looking round for some quiet corner to put the case when faintly above the noise in the room he heard the doorbell ring .
4 In the distance he heard the church bells signal the awakening of a new day .
5 Then to his astonishment he heard the voice of the French boy , grunting like an animal in distress .
6 The worry and sleepless nights finally ended when last Thursday morning he heard the news he had hardly dared hope for — Joanna had returned to her family safe and well 36 hours after she had vanished .
7 As he made for the door he heard the phone ringing in the hall and when he entered he saw Joe turn from the telephone table towards him , saying , ‘ It 's for you , Martin .
8 He smiled broadly and he turned from her , munching at the buttered scone , and as he walked out of the back door he heard the sound of a car coming on to the gravel in front of the house .
9 Then , in the depths of sleep he heard the summons and pulled himself up , hand over hand , back to the surface of consciousness .
10 In the frosty quiet he heard the sound of an engine too suave to belong to a resident , and peered over the parapet to see the men getting out of the car below .
11 From the stalls in the sanctuary he heard the master assembling the choir , rehearsing the hymns and canticles for the feast of Corpus Christi .
12 AS Jack lay in hospital he heard the sound of Liverpool trams clanking and roaring past .
13 This time he heard the idol speak , saying : " I forgive you your sins , go in peace . "
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