Example sentences of "[noun sg] he saw a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Through one window he saw a bathroom , just like his own at home only a thousand times smaller .
2 Out of the bus window he saw a manor house , with barley-sugar-stick chimneys .
3 As the mountain loomed over Rincewind like the biggest fly-swatter in the universe he saw a cave mouth .
4 In that dream he saw a vision of loveliness : himself as Foreign Secretary .
5 Out of the corner of his eye he saw a face appear in the corridor .
6 He would not have to wait long — in the distance he saw a flight of P-51s engaged in combat simulation , just the scenario for some ‘ rat-racing ’ .
7 Sometime during the next day he saw a man in a harness being lowered by cable towards Corti ; heard a shout : ‘ I have him ! ’
8 All his efforts had failed when one day he saw a copy in his local library in a corner of discarded books .
9 That very night he saw a lawyer , the priest , the chairman of the poor law guardians , and the nurse , putting in hand all the arrangement necessary to secure Mary 's immediate future .
10 One morning he saw a clock lying under a bush .
11 The municipal railings had been taken away for the war effort and through the gaps in the makeshift fence of galvanised iron he saw a tramp in an army greatcoat sitting on a green bench .
12 He lifted one knee from the ground and turned his head slowly and looked up the slight incline to the path , and in his sun-blinded vision he saw a shape .
13 Naylor entered the building and was still looking for me when there on the mat right outside your door he saw a set of keys which he instantly recognised as mine from the Alsace wine fob on the key-ring . ’
14 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
15 Staring into the mirror he saw a man gazing back at him ‘ with wrinkles on my forehead and lines on my face as if I were forty . ’
16 In his shaving mirror he saw a face burned a deep brown by two weeks of fierce tropical sunshine .
17 As he turned the door handle to enter the building he saw a storm-trooper come out of one of the side rooms .
18 Around the corner of the building he saw a figure on a bike speeding away .
19 Every time he saw a girl he liked .
20 For the first time he saw a nervousness from her , the hesitation of the little girl lost .
21 and Wesley were lovers Will wanted to give Wes something warm as a special present an officer 's red uniform He saw a sign for a shuttle race officer prizes red .
22 Will wanted to give Wes something warm as a special present an officer 's red uniform He saw a sign for a shuttle race officer ship red .
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