Example sentences of "[noun sg] at the bottom [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sara had said that she just was not prepared to live any longer in the jerry-built little terrace at the bottom of the village .
2 Artemis responded by sitting and kicking on hard , which drove the horse at the bottom of the fence so that he would have to take off or run into the obstacle head-on .
3 He thought of sitting down to wait for a break in the storm but that could have been all night so he struggled on downhill , angling a little to the left , until he met the treeline at the bottom of the meadow .
4 Thirty minutes in the fridge will ensure a pleasant cool temperature and encourage the yeast to form a hard ring at the bottom of the bottle that does not rise to the surface when pouring .
5 The end of the halyard goes through the end goes through the end fitting and then we tie a little stopper knot in the end , then we bring the other end of the halyard down and make it up tight on this crease at the bottom of the mast .
6 We tolerated his hilarious English mispronunciations of the Scottish hills that had taken him less than three hours , keeping in mind the thought of that comfortable car seat at the bottom of this rough heather slope every time we felt like killing him .
7 The Community Council is planning to improve the corner with the seat at the bottom of Fishers Brae .
8 No , nobody had left a car at the bottom of this hill , and , yes , everybody was looking to cadge a lift .
9 When she left , Emerson volunteered to escort her to her car at the bottom of the drive .
10 The back of the villa , which overlooks a last section of the gardens , is by far the best façade , especially if viewed across an acre of grass , or across the delightful duck pond at the bottom of the slope below the house .
11 There was a muddy pond at the bottom of Lavender 's garden and this was the home of a colony of newts .
12 There was the remains of tea at the bottom of the cup , and a smudge of bright red lipstick on its rim .
13 Or Christine Hardy , who worked in her father 's fancy bakery at the bottom of the street .
14 The final thing is to twitch left 45 degrees at the chockstone at the bottom of the exit slot to complete an unaided descent .
15 The scrap was loaded into a narrow boat at the bottom of the incline and taken to North Kilworth for transshipment by rail .
16 Saalbach has been cancelled because the artificial snow at the bottom of the course has melted .
17 He said that one group had foolishly tried to cross and sixteen sheep had been lost — some swept right off the path as they climbed to the top , some left injured or dead , buried in snow at the bottom of a hidden ravine .
18 They reached the fence at the bottom of Mrs Wright 's garden .
19 A fence at the bottom of a flight of steps works as an effective safety measure for infirm walkers .
20 It was during the filming of the opening titles for the last ‘ Marti ’ series for the B.B.C. Dressed in a red chiffon evening gown , high heels and lead-weighted knickers , I had to sit on a rock at the bottom of a tank full of sharks , smiling and brushing my hair , while Duncan swam past with a plywood plaice bearing the immortal words ‘ End of Part One ’ ( it could have been the end of several parts ! ) .
21 About three weeks ago , well let me just , the money actually falls into a tray at the bottom of the vending machine which literally slides in and out , it 's a very quick method and c could
22 The budget BX 14TE has been dropped from the lists , but the £8390 BX St Tropez fills the gap at the bottom of the range .
23 I came home to find the adults in a different tank ( salted for Mollies — but they 're fine ) as the wee Angels were slipping through a ″ gap at the bottom of the divider , to get eaten .
24 These barriers do not even conform to the existing standard , since the gap at pedal height on the upper barrier is only 392mm. , while the gap at the bottom of the lower barrier is only 395mm .
25 The menu bar at the bottom of the screen provides access to basic document editing facilities .
26 It happened in the village at the bottom of Donovan 's Lane .
27 They would be at the light barricade at the bottom of the dip in ten minutes .
28 Right so if you look at erm the Chow test at the bottom of your screens , right the F test , right is an F three in seventeen test .
29 The most common way of doing this is to put in a box-shaped insert at the bottom of the bag .
30 The right-hand edge of the template is marked with two columns of options and the currently selected ones are displayed in a status window at the bottom of the screen .
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