Example sentences of "[noun sg] at the present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , if one looks at the Sussex coast at the present day , most of the Sussex coast is protected in some way from the action of the sea , either by a sea wall , or by a groined beach .
2 and erm , it is therefore in those circumstances foolhardy in my opinion to carry on with the British Assessment Programme at the present rate when the effects on our roads are likely to be so drastic
3 He added : ‘ The firm will continue to operate in its traditional successful style and our employees can consider their jobs to be as secure as any can be in the building industry at the present time .
4 For example , where possible imperatives will be interpreted as relevant to the present interaction , and thus as requests to implement some action at the present time .
5 One can show this by considering a very different state for the universe at the present time , say , a very lumpy and irregular one .
6 off that , er I think several of us believe that the complexities of trust law at the present moment can make it very difficult if one agreed .
7 There is festering resentment in dark green quarters over what is seen as Julia 's reluctance to state baldly that there is no such thing as a green product , or that continued consumption at the present rate can only lead to us all dying in some particularly horrible way .
8 Business strength is a measure of the proficiency with which the firm deals with all aspects of the specific product/market complex in question at the present time .
9 There is little disagreement with the view that the principal public interest issue at the present time is the quality of audit-ing .
10 There are relevant stair er Chairman which you can look out of place at the present moment of time but they will need to be addressed at some point in time in the future and therefore one could be forgiven for wanting to prioritise various but in general terms , the strategy that has been er looked at is the progress of St Albans in general , there may be small elements of it and some of these have already touched upon but in general that is no sound strategy er which over a period of time and in the process of that it will be essential to monitor erm the effect of some of the changes as you go forward to see in fact whether the other elements of strategy that were erm put in to that er work were in fact still necessary and whether they should be have some .
11 The various experiments taking place at the present time in the use of graded tests ( for example in the Borough of Croydon ) tend to show that this form of examination would , in all kinds of ways , be preferable to the system we have .
12 As we review the way teachers are feeling about their job at the present time , many of the experiences will be common enough .
13 Well , no security is one hundred per cent , it 's impossible to make any area completely secure , but it 's as tight as it possibly can be and I 'm quite happy with the security at the present time .
14 There is a shortfall on the membership at the present time MAINLY due to the closure of some of our SPECIAL NEEDS groups .
15 The submissions made to your Lordships on the basis of the history of eleemosynary corporations do not seem to me to justify the drawing of such a distinction at the present time once it is accepted that certiorari can be available ( as in Thomas ) on some grounds .
16 Erm we perceive no need at the present time for such an exception and the borough council seem to have accepted that .
17 It is possible that the beach on the exposed portions of the coast was originally much wider and that much of it has been destroyed by marine erosion at the present sea level , whereas it has been almost completely preserved in the narrow straits .
18 1.6 This allowance is based upon staff who are at the top of the grade at the present time and translates into the following :
19 ‘ The economy probably is better than it was a year ago , the computer retail business is strong and the general consumer electronics business at the present time seems to be running ahead of last year , ’ Roach said .
20 Do you know the former population of Islay and the population at the present day ? "
21 As was stated above , 51.5 per cent of the population at the present time have purchased their own housing , 28.5 per cent with mortgages ( CSO , 1979 ) .
22 And in fact the evidence suggests I that in the three years remaining till ninety six , it is most unlikely that those twenty five thousand dwellings will be developed , given the alteration at the present time .
23 She has had treatment in hospital for depression and is under sedation at the present time .
24 Anyone looking back just five years to 1984 , when there were no Scots in the Curtis Cup side , and 1986 , when there was just Belle Robertson , can not but be struck by the healthy state of the game North of the Border at the present time .
25 Whether divorce operates in the same way as widowhood in this regard is really a matter of speculation at the present time .
26 There seems to be far more scope at the present time for the two generations to become friends .
27 By way of background to what follows , I must first state my position on two related issues , since they are issues that may arise over and over again in the discussion of education at the present time .
28 I think there are many positive aspects to our relationship at the present time , not the least positive of which is
29 Are there issues in your relationship at the present time that you resent ?
30 Everyone is aware that the teaching profession is under stress at the present time .
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