Example sentences of "[noun sg] with the [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The responsibility system with the household contract linking output to payment as the main form is in keeping with the present level of the productive forces in China 's rural areas and must be maintained as a basic system for a long time to come …
2 In the North of England it was 10.9% , in Wales it was 10.3% , in Scotland 10.0% , and in Northern Ireland , traditionally the place with the highest level of unemployment , nearly 14% .
3 And imagine how difficult it would be to find a replacement with the same level of knowledge , experience , ability , authority or reputation .
4 Members of the HCIMA , by employing professional skills and training , aim to provide the consumer with the proper level of care in all aspects of food and accommodation services .
5 The hon. Gentleman well knows that there has been a dramatic increase in national health service spending on any measure one cares to take , far and above the amount necessary either to keep pace with the general level of inflation or to keep pace with the level of inflation in medical costs .
6 ( b ) About 8–9 ( RA ) — a preoccupation with the grapho-phonemic level , but making many substitutions which are syntactically appropriate .
7 As a result with good control of working capital , our cash flow overall was virtually the same as in the previous year in spite of the significant profit collapse and although there may be some further redundancies this year , I do n't expect them to be in any way on the same scale as during nineteen ninety two and the important thing is that we now have costs in line with the lower level of revenue as we look into nineteen ninety three .
8 Rates will vary from time to time in line with the general level of interest rates .
9 Interest rates may vary from time to time in line with the general level of interest rates .
10 We may at our discretion vary these rates in line with the general level of interest rates , and any changes will be announced in branches .
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