Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the next decade " in BNC.

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1 However figures out today reveal that the Teesside Development Corporation is building one million square feet of office space 84pc of the county 's provision for the next decade and most of it will be concentrated on its flagship site of Teesdale , Thornaby .
2 But Mr Lafontaine , standard-bearer of the up-and-coming generation , and the second most important figure after Mr Vogel on the committee drafting the party programme for the next decade , has certainly not had things all his own way .
3 Group Captain Martin Armstrong FHCIMA , director of RAF catering , said that after much debate , a blueprint of the optimum private/in-house mix for the next decade was in place and that elements of the catering at every RAF station in the UK would be market tested .
4 The ‘ special service ’ included occasional intelligence work abroad , but his main work for the next decade was the construction and command of the Southampton boom defences .
5 The order book for the Falcon 20 has now passed the 400 mark , and with the success of the Falcon 10 and the arrival of the Falcon 50 , production from Dassault 's Bordeaux facility for the next decade can confidently be expected .
6 Fulham can now continue to lease the ground for the next decade and have the option to purchase it outright at a price of just under £8 million at any time during the 10 years .
7 If they had accepted good professional presentation advice , they could have saved thousands , had a marvellous multi-purpose centre , proper crowd flow and huge potential for the next decade .
8 Not only would winning the order mean around some £60 million worth of work a year for the next decade for Ferranti , but it would give a successful bidder or partner for Ferranti access to crucial next-generation radar technology .
9 Not only would winning the order mean around some £60 million worth of work a year for the next decade for Ferranti , but it would give a successful bidder or partner for Ferranti access to crucial next-generation radar technology .
10 Another consideration is that the government expects high-technology' industries to grow by 10 per cent a year for the next decade .
11 This constituted the formal , operational information produced by the organisation , and it underpinned the subsequent R&D , manufacturing and marketing activity for the next decade .
12 This week 's riot by 150 schoolgirls at Wimbledon station will almost certainly prove to be the crucial event of the election period , and the one which sets the tone for the next decade or so .
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