Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the third world " in BNC.

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1 When the Foreign Secretary visits the Group of Seven summit in the summer , will he bang some heads together to try to bring forward a new deal for the third world ?
2 Meaningful aid for the Third World
3 But it is hoped that in doing so , it will also help him to continue his untiring work for the Third World and enrich the lives of those poor people , particularly in Africa .
4 The kettle-out-of-tin-can-makers of Accra , the barefoot engineers of Bombay , and the hawkers of everything-under-the sun of Jakarta were showing flexibility and perhaps even salvation for the Third World poor .
5 Among other issues raised by delegates , the newly appointed Vice-President of Nigeria , Augustus Aikhomu , suggested that Africa should have representation on the Security Council through a permanent member , while the President of Uganda , Yoweri Museveni , appealed to all UN members to support debt forgiveness for the Third World .
6 Of Pasolini 's ‘ growing passion for the Third World ’ Enzo Siciliano says : ‘ He had the idea that ‘ Negritude … will be the way' ’ .
7 Manley was aware that the high cost of modern anaesthetic apparatus was often prohibitive for hospitals in developing countries , and at the time of his death he was working on a prototype of an inexpensive , but effective ventilator for the Third World .
8 Even those writers who specifically warned against using the historical experiences of contemporary rich countries as a guide for the Third World could not resist drawing some conclusions from the realm of foreign trade .
9 In the name of modernisation and professionalism , Chinese architects and civil engineers are not prepared to accept for the towns any of those policies which have made their own rural housing programme a model for the Third World .
10 ‘ Cities of the Immortals ’ will be set up by California-based company called the Heaven on Earth Corporation , many of them providing low-cost housing for the Third World .
11 In practice , if not in spirit , there is a complete divorce between the ground floor , full of people who have walked in off the street , and the upper floors , where research and development on both hardware and software for the Third World take place .
12 Grunte , who had little time for the Third World , said that as far as he was concerned , most of it seemed to have moved to Birmingham .
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