Example sentences of "[noun sg] for a [adj] seconds " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'll notice that this ‘ fridge opens from right to left , so the door would conceal the identity of anyone entering the kitchen for a few seconds at least .
2 He fell headlong , his arms flailing , and struck the street hard enough to lose consciousness for a few seconds .
3 The loads on the structure are lower during the first half of the launch and it is not unusual to exceed the placard speed for a few seconds during the initial steepening of the climb .
4 The normal stopping method is to let the motor run at idling speed for a few seconds before depressing the ignition switch .
5 So it can only be human failure I E that she was driving and just sort of lost her concentration for a few seconds and that was fatal
6 Occasionally her face was illuminated by the navigation light for a few seconds .
7 Immerse the section , slab or plaquette in the reagent contained in a suitable dish or tray for a few seconds or until the yellow precipitate forms .
8 ‘ Never , in my life , ’ he murmured distractedly , leaving her mouth for a few seconds to hungrily kiss her cheekbone , her temple , to lightly nip the lobe of her ear , ‘ have I met a woman so obstinate , so pigheaded … ’
9 ‘ But you 're right , Lewis , ’ added Morse slowly , as he sat back and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds .
10 Asked to sum up in a sentence the essence of his long career as a reporter , he considers the question for a few seconds , laughs , and says : ‘ I do n't think I could do better than quote my old friend the late Jimmy Robinson , who was the Daily Mail 's man in Belfast for many years .
11 Tapping a ruler across the palm of her hand , Sister Rosario stared at the child for a few seconds .
12 Pete listened in the hallway for a few seconds , and then he knocked on her door .
13 Leaning forward , he placed both hands on his walking-cane and held the pose for a few seconds , then he raised one white-gloved hand to the monocle at his hight eye and stared out at the audience .
14 A few moments earlier , Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd dithered on the pavement for a few seconds , presumably wondering whether to brave the cameras but thought better of it and he , too , entered by No 12 .
15 Ruth stood in the doorway of the room for a few seconds , looking at her aunt who was drifting on the edge of sleep .
16 The yard was bright as day for a few seconds , then night crept back in around the flames .
17 I smile back and we hold eye contact for a few seconds .
18 Occasionally the sun would appear from behind a roof-top , and she would feel its warmth for a few seconds .
19 When I go , I hold my breath and completely immerse myself under the water , trying to keep as relaxed as possible , and I stay under the water for a few seconds .
20 11 Dip the tin into hot water for a few seconds and turn on to a serving plate .
21 As they leave the fair ( moving towards the camera , which pulls back with them ) , their joyful cries become unheard and they move in slow motion like creatures under water for a few seconds .
22 To do this , dip the moulds in warm water for a few seconds , ease the mousse away from the sides of the moulds and carefully tip out , then garnish as before .
23 Inserting the cut end of a stem into boiling water for a few seconds ( protecting the flower ) often prevents wilting eg with roses .
24 It comes to the surface for a few seconds several times each day , and two short exposures to light separated by 12 hours are enough to initiate its reproductive cycle .
25 ‘ Hmm , ’ he murmured , but she was glad to see he had lost none of his pleasantness of expression when , considering her request for a few seconds , he divulged , ‘ After almost two years without a holiday or much free time , I last week completed what I believe to be one of my best achievements . ’
26 The two eyed each other for a few seconds .
27 Frozen in shock for a few seconds , she recovered her wits sufficiently to let out an outraged scream , and to catapult into a kneeling position , grabbing the bedspread to cover herself .
28 Hit the rinkside at top speed ( or get barged into it ) and your man is left reeling in agony for a few seconds .
29 It is not unknown for barbel to pull a rod into the water with a speed and viciousness that has to be seen to be believed , even when the angler has only glanced away from his rod for a few seconds .
30 There was a hush for a few seconds then a roar from the French civilians , men , women and children , ‘ Encore , encore , encore , Tommy . ’
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