Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [art] rest [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would be on my bike for the rest of my life , stuck on the stopping train to nowhere .
2 So simply by carrying on your premium payments at the same level , the DOUBLE PAYOUT PLAN will give you continuing protection for the rest of your life .
3 Plus — family protection for the rest of this century automatically built-in …
4 If she did n't make a stand now he would expect her to jump to his bidding for the rest of the voyage .
5 When he had recovered from his ordeal , Ciparis was able to tell of what had happened — and he went on telling the story for the rest of his life , for he was given a free pardon , joined a travelling circus , and became something of a celebrity .
6 I am working on the contract for the rest of the Grapevine package and will be sending you ( and John Statham ? ) drafts for your consideration in the near future .
7 Butcher , 34 next month , is under contract for the rest of the season with First Division Sunderland but the Japanese are confident it wo n't be a problem .
8 The sixty hectares provision for the rest of the district closely erm relates both to both methods erm of the forecasting erm that the County Council have done and the the forecast on on the basis of past rates and economic activity , and it 's our view that erm the the level of sixty hectares is reasonable in relation to both those methodologies .
9 And then of course there needs to be a a budget for the rest of the year does n't there ?
10 ( The government 's economic policy and budget for the rest of 1992 had been promised for Feb. 15 . )
11 However , this is unusual and the role of the surviving L3 is rather to infect calves at a level which produces patent subclinical infection and ensures contamination of the pasture for the rest of the grazing season .
12 " Will I be wearing it round my neck like a cow-bell for the rest of my life ? " — and she rushed up the spiral steps to her room , to tell herself that she hated João , and Portugal , and even her own mother .
13 He had then thrown stones at them for fifteen minutes before ordering a kit inspection for the rest of us .
14 These people now face annual medical inspection for the rest of their lives to assess what the radiation may have bequeathed to them in terms of a legacy of cancer or birth defects .
15 Haunted by penury for the rest of her life , she habitually made notes over other people 's letters and wrote her own on the back of old laundry bills .
16 Whereas previously those who had wealth to bequeath typically provided very handsomely for the eldest son , and at a much reduced level for the rest of their children , a practice became common which implied that children had roughly equal claims on a parent 's resources , with some distinction made on grounds of gender so that women and men inherited different kinds of property .
17 However , in Mary 's reign the rate was fixed at 4s. in the pound for landed incomes , and 2s. 8d. in the pound for other property ; and the subsidy remained fixed at that level for the rest of the century .
18 I think that 's would be the only call on the publicity group really , cos we 'll have enough , enough stuff from national level for the rest of the distribution wo n't we ?
19 Now that the legal framework for the rest of the century appears to have been set attention can be given to the task of interpreting it for governors .
20 Unless they show a dramatic change in form , they could face a struggle for the rest of the season .
21 Bomb explosions on the night of Aug. 2-3 caused minor damage on the Madrid-Seville and Madrid-Palencia lines , and threw the system into chaos for the rest of the weekend .
22 Despite the opportunities for patronage and profit which resulted from the statute , what we need to note here is the existence of an explicit legal restriction on endowments for the church , a limitation which found its way on to the statute books and into the consciousness , therefore , of lawyers and members of parliament for the rest of the Middle Ages .
23 He had played the worst of tricks on her , making her lose all her self-respect , and it was something that would rankle in her heart for the rest of her life .
24 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
25 It 'll give him an interesting pixie look for the rest of his life . ’
26 For all Henry 's faults , it was under his rule that the Reformation had been achieved ; in his grief Cranmer allowed his beard to grow unshaven for the rest of his life .
27 You will face semi-starvation for the rest of your life if you remain sedentary and want to control your weight .
28 He intended to join the Indian Civil Service , but while he was at Oxford his father and his only brother died , and he inherited the family estate , which provided him with an income for the rest of his life .
29 She stayed in the kitchen for the rest of the day , and Joe and Orlick shared a glass of beer peacefully together in the forge .
30 Also , a few leeds fans who noticed some rangers fans in the crowd , actually wished them good luck for the rest of the competition .
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