Example sentences of "[noun sg] was usually [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Clothing was usually an assortment of cast-offs such as grey flannel trousers , white wool sweater , and for extra protection in cold , damp conditions , a cut-down cotton raincoat .
2 Graham commented that in practice budgeting was usually a matter of upgrading finding bared on historical foundations rather than calculating what was required for the services that were needed , and he referred to university funding being ‘ budget-led ’ rather than ‘ product-led ’ .
3 From the Reformation onwards the Chancellor was usually a layman : Bishop Williams under James I and Charles I was the last clerical Chancellor .
4 When a politician took a stand on the question of the collectorship , a successful election was essentially a reaffirmation of the strength of the political interest which was then in control of the parliamentary seat , while a defeat in this apparently local question was usually the harbinger of a severe electoral contest when Parliament should be dissolved .
5 The harvest feast was usually a highpoint of village life , and came to be regarded as a ritual of social unity .
6 They found that no dye was formed from pure aniline ; that magenta was usually a mixture of two dyestuffs ( 1 and 2 ) ; and that the products formed could be controlled by the proportions of the component amines .
7 The client who claimed he would rather know the truth was usually the type who would not .
8 Indication for such an intervention was usually a combination of developing oliguria with decreasing peripheral temperature .
9 The appropriate court was usually the court of the diocese in which the deceased 's property happened to be ; if there was property in several dioceses , it was necessary to apply to the prerogative Court .
10 Our lunchtime potage was usually a treat .
11 Throughout the century intensive encouragement of privateering by any State was usually a result of inferiority at sea , an implied admission that the enemy 's fleet could not be defeated in open combat .
12 Southerners say , ‘ When two people fight , the third rejoices , ’ and that third man was usually a lawyer .
13 Since provision of education for the lower orders was largely dependent on local initiative and attendance was usually a matter of parental inclination , both were haphazard .
14 Morris did n't seem lonely or isolated himself , but a hard shell was usually a sign of vulnerability underneath .
15 She did n't earn much and dinner was usually a bowl of soup and a cold platter at the small restaurant next door to the Goldener Adler .
16 My pitiful reward was usually a matter of pennies .
17 Paperwork was usually the farmer 's nightmare and , though most got it done , there was probably room for improvement .
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