Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [be] estimate [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In the first outbreak it was estimated that no more than one per cent of the entire rabbit population survived , and these few were either immune or out of contact with other rabbits .
2 Before the war it was estimated that there were 100,000 monks in Burma , supposedly concentrating on religious duties and doing no menial work in their monasteries but relying on daily gifts of food from the faithful .
3 Over the past decade it was estimated that the US had lost some 400,000 textile and clothing jobs , including 66,000 in the last year .
4 At this rate it is estimated that poachers could finish off Zimbabwe 's last rhino by the end of 1994 .
5 RECYCLED PAPER It is estimated that certain plastics will take over 400 years to disintegrate , so that is why we are introducing more recyclable plastic , which can be melted down and re-used .
6 However , even in the present stage of battery technology and without recourse to any of the many new battery types under test at present it is estimated that due to the preponderance of short trips ( this is in an industrialised country equivalent in size to the UK ) 70% of present fuel consumption in cars could be substituted by use of battery vehicles .
7 Between 1976 and 1986 the average error in the Treasury 's forecasting of the PSBR ( whether negative or positive ) was £2.3 billion , and in the 1983 edition of the Treasury 's Financial Statement and Budget Report it was estimated that the average error in forecasting the public sector borrowing requirement for the year ahead was ofthe order of 1.5 per cent of GDP .
8 At densities of 120 persons per acre it was estimated that between 25 per cent and 30 per cent of the population would have to be flat dwellers .
9 Earlier in the nineteenth century it was estimated that there were 2000 handloom weavers within a radius of 7 or 8 miles from Portadown .
10 In 1980–1 , a fairly typical year , the grant from the Ministry of Agriculture for land-drainage schemes , including some urban work , amounted to about £30.5 million , of which £23.7 million was allocated to the water authorities , while the rest went to internal drainage boards and local authorities.2 In that year it is estimated that the water authorities spent around £40 million on capital drainage schemes for agriculture .
11 In the first year it is estimated that the new law saved 200 children from being killed or seriously injured .
12 Exports of the bird have increased sharply in recent years ; last year it is estimated that 500 of the remaining 2,000 birds were exported from Indonesia , while 200 more died in an Indonesian export house .
13 By extrapolation it is estimated that , over one year , there were 16 acute admissions to hospital from the practices per 1000 registered population , a figure identical with that in the third national morbidity survey .
14 In this regard it was estimated that the state of the established supply would be such that this additional land would not require to be available for development until 1991 .
15 In fact it 's estimated that most of the major cave systems in the world today started life between 10,000 to two million years ago .
16 In the UK where a comparatively large amount of research has been carried out into wave power it is estimated that with wave generators along the 1,450 kilometre coastline , 50% of the UK 's electricity requirements could be supplied .
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