Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] themselves to " in BNC.

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1 Mystics are certain that for brief periods they have been enabled to experience such perception and know themselves to be part of a meaningful whole — one with the way things ultimately are .
2 Explaining why the authorities changed their mind and committed themselves to the transfer of land is a prime difficulty in the history of the emancipation .
3 It may perhaps be objected that the distance may prevent the pupils of the Hospitals from attending the Lectures of the Veterinary Professor — I will first answer to that — that it would be dangerous for the progress of the Veterinary science to give them too free admission into the College — because it might give a disgust to the residing pupils from their application to the Veterinary Medicine and many of them would change their mind and apply themselves to the anatomy of the human body , thinking that it would be more honorable for them to cure the human species than Animals , this happened in France and the best Veterinary pupils are now Physicians and Surgeons to the human species — this prejudiced ideal would inculcate itself into the minds of young men , the more so as the Veterinary Science is still in its Infancy in this Country , and in an abject state , for this reason it would be equally dangerous to permit residing pupils to attend medical or anatomical lectures , of the human body , or to frequent Hospitals : Therefore a certain distance from the Town would be more useful than otherwise for the progress of the Veterinary Science .
4 Structures predominantly based on tensile members offer big savings in self weight and lend themselves to lightweight and long span conditions .
5 Gradually , though , as the rest of the column led by his uncle on a fine white horse arrived , the survivors who could walk came out of the banqueting hall and allowed themselves to be greeted by the relieving troops .
6 The crew swam out from under the canoe and attached themselves to the upturned hull .
7 Duty solicitors are subject to the control of the Legal Aid Board which requires them and their authorised representatives to have relevant experience and to submit themselves to selection by a local committee .
8 So they returned each to his own country , blessing him for their deliverance , and magnifying his great bounty ; and forthwith they sent him tribute and acknowledged themselves to be his vassals .
9 At the end of a meeting in Weimar , Germany , on Aug. 29 the German , French and Polish Foreign Ministers issued a joint declaration stressing the importance of their co-operation at an historic point in European development and committing themselves to such trilateral meetings at least once year .
10 The vampiros , which have wingspans of more than three feet , swoop into their thatch huts late at night and attach themselves to the sleeping miners ' heads , necks and feet .
11 One is aware that educators in this field are treading sacred ground and expose themselves to accusations that they create unrealistic expectations ( say , elaborate rituals ) , or that they encroach upon the territory of other professionals ( the Clergy , perhaps ) .
12 They indicate that their holders identify with their society and hold themselves to be under an obligation to obey the law which they regard as expressing that attitude .
13 Some men tire of the journey and throw themselves to the sea .
14 But with Rabbi Moishe 's encouragement , with advice and co-operation from the Jewish National Fund leading to a visit by one of their emigration experts to answer questions , resolve doubts , fill in forms and outline all the preparatory steps — by summertime fourteen members of the community had responded to the call and committed themselves to going .
15 People on television often behave as though they are interacting with us ; they look at the camera and address themselves to us , and though this seems to be a fiction , because we can not interrupt or contradict , still we can switch off or over , and TV programmes are influenced by viewers ' letters and ratings .
16 Leaving the men and Madeleine sipping Calvados and smoking , the two girls brushed the crumbs off the glossy white cloth and took themselves to the kitchen .
17 When numbers of priestesses dressed in this way and danced themselves to a pitch of religious ecstasy , the sight must have inspired awe among the beholders .
18 In reality , of course , such people are shamelessly exploiting the naivety of others who genuinely believe the doctrine and allow themselves to be thrust into the role of ‘ god-motivated ’ providers — actually doing the work attributed to the ‘ god ’ , whilst the exploiters enjoy the fruits of it .
19 The fire service clamped down on initiation rituals after a young firewoman in London revealed that colleagues had tied her to a ladder , hosed her down , poured urine over her , used foul language and exposed themselves to her .
20 The Local authority was engaged in setting up an Induction Centre , where newcomers could concentrate on learning the language and accustoming themselves to a new climate and new culture .
21 young people very commonly are escorted by their mothers and the thing is , the politics of the family and showing themselves to their friends , but more and more we 're dealing with people
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