Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pron] enter the " in BNC.

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1 I sat high by the bow like a proud salvaged mermaid as we entered the canal at Dochfour leading to Inverness .
2 There was even a slight swagger in his stride as he entered the Star Dressing Room .
3 One week later , the forces of the Ethiopian People 's Revolutionary Democratic Front ( EPRDF ) met relatively little opposition as they entered the capital , Addis Ababa .
4 He would n't have time to save himself ; the splash as he entered the stream would be the most satisfying sound she would hear in a long time .
5 Although he had set his loaded rifle at his shoulder in readiness as he entered the thicket , before he could squeeze the trigger the wounded seladang was upon him .
6 There were a good number of these , the men and women solemn in their Sunday best , although the young people , and there were plenty of those , too , were surprisingly casual , wearing jeans and bright sweaters under their black leather jackets ; casual and cheerful , too , in their attitude as they entered the church , calling greetings , and making good-natured jokes , much to Omi 's disapproval .
7 I was the soul of philanthropy as I entered the Primrose room .
8 The bathroom was boxed off , giving a tiny entrance lobby as you entered the flat .
9 His office was immediately to the right as one entered the Police Station , with the charge desk on the left , presided over by Inspector Alex Bell , or Sergeant Hendry .
10 Her voice ended on a semi-screech of joy as they entered the portals of the Bull Inn to partake of sustenance in the coffee room , like Mr Pickwick , Mr Snodgrass , Mr Winkle and Mr Tupman before them .
11 Leslie 's maroon beret and the winged flash on his shoulder attracted attention as we entered the hall .
12 The new chain that he 'd fixed brushed against his sleeve as he entered the kitchen .
13 There was still enough ill-temper left in him to startle Vulcan into a gallop when two spurs were simultaneously jabbed into his body as they entered the straight stretch of forest track .
14 He rewarded her with a cool smile as they entered the pub , and gestured towards a table .
15 She was there at the departmental conference and he included her in the general nod and smile as he entered the executive producer 's office , but his eyes were guarded , and not just on her account .
16 Laura Wyndham 's deep sapphire-blue eyes sparkled with amusement , her lips widening into a broad , wry smile as she entered the large living-room of the penthouse apartment .
17 Harold Badcock , Tyndale Lecturer in Medieval European History , shot his wife a look of hate as she entered the living room .
18 Make a secret WP test for each character as they enter the area .
19 He came below , ducking his head as he entered the cabin .
20 No one can predict what will make news as we enter the next ten years of Central , but as long as the talent survives , we 're promised entertainment well worth watching .
21 But she had lifted her skirts a full six inches above the ground as she entered the water , and he was captivated .
22 Garden open to the public , Ryedale House , third house on right after the Bridge as you enter the town from York/Thirsk , Helmsley , 2–6pm .
23 Even if she had heard the locomotive 's whistle as it entered the tunnel , she would not have had time to run to the bridge in time to meet Mr Cross as he parked his car in the goods yard .
24 The British commander , Brigadier Andrew Cumming , 45 , said : ‘ This is a great boost for morale as we enter the last few furlongs of the first Operation Grapple tour . ’
25 A warning as it entered the tunnel .
26 By introducing a satellite RNA Ribonucleic Acid ( closely related to DNA ) , it has been possible to establish in a tobacco plant a heritable agent capable of preventing the development of the mosaic virus as it enters the cell .
27 Though his yelling had not moved the stones it had set off the dogs and one against the other they barked and bayed , an unusual salute as he entered the bounds of the sheer-sided , heavy-wooded , spectacular wilderness .
28 As the sound system blared out Gary Glitter 's ‘ Do You Wan na be in My Gang ’ , he would lunge towards the crowd as he entered the ring at Finsbury Park 's Rainbow .
29 All in all , these twin developments are likely to throw the agents into ever greater turmoil as we enter the 1990s .
30 Phil was so anxious to get to sea that I was finishing typing my report as we entered the lock , and handed it up to the local officer as the seaward lock gate opened .
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