Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [art] right to " in BNC.

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1 Baudelaire argued for modernity , but he also strongly believed that a critic has the right to be partisan .
2 Each professor has a right to money and manpower resources depending only on his level of seniority and not on his track record in research .
3 NICO , PATTI SMITH , The Stooges , Jonathan Richman , La Monte Young , John Cage , Nick Drake , Eno , Squeeze , Happy Mondays — John Cale 's CV is studded with the most intriguing of collaborations ; he has traversed more ground and confused more expectations than the average musician has a right to .
4 However , s. 82(5) states that an employee loses the right to a redundancy payment if he or she unreasonably refuses an offer of suitable alternative employment .
5 14.2.1 Contract establishes the right to be paid
6 The Editor reserves the right to abridge letters to suit the space available .
7 The Editor reserves the right to abridge letters to suit the space available .
8 Alida has a right to some freedom , she herself is …
9 The study investigated children in care whose social workers wanted to find homes with substitute families for them , taking as two basic assumptions that every child has a right to a family of his [ or her ] own , and that adoption and fostering are not completely separate categories but have a considerable area of overlap .
10 Shearer also sees the centre as ‘ working towards our own version of the Children 's Charter — every child has a right to be able to breathe properly .
11 Every child has a right to the best education and every parent should be confident that their child gets the best start in life .
12 ‘ I believe that a newborn child has the right to be fed , warmed and cherished .
13 At a Hearing each parent and each child has the right to be accompanied by a representative .
14 He argued that the husband/father has the right to the possession of wife/children as ‘ things ’ .
15 Regarding the involvement of others , besides teachers , we are unlikely to have a Swedish style debate in Parliament , despite the fact that the community has a right to it , and that curricular decision-making is a political act .
16 The Court of Justice held that the word ‘ obligation ’ in article 5(1) refers to the contractual obligation forming the basis of the legal proceedings ; and that , in a case such as de Bloos , where the plaintiff asserts the right to be paid damages and seeks dissolution of the contract on the ground of the wrongful conduct of the other party , the obligation referred to in article 5(1) is still that which arises under the contract , the non-performance of which is relied upon to support such claims .
17 A captive giraffe has a right to a cage in which it can stand straight up …
18 The fifth text is the central thesis of the Declaration on Religious Freedom : ‘ This Vatican Synod declares that the human person has a right to religious freedom .
19 ‘ THIS CITY DOES NOT BELONG TO A PEOPLE , but to peoples … the human race has a right to Paris .
20 If the owner of a watch is robbed of it by a thief , the owner 's rights as rights remain intact ; the thief acquires no right to the watch as against the owner .
21 Theoretically , in today 's educational environment , the disabled pupil has the right to be different , to be accepted in the ordinary class , encouraged to participate in it fully and in his own way and to be considered as an individual , a totality with assets and strengths in addition to those disadvantages or difficulties which arise from his disability .
22 But you can argue that a woman has a right to the use that she makes of her own body .
23 If 14 days be a reasonable length of time in such a contract in this particular trade , and if he waits seven days before entrusting the goods to a third person on sale or return , that third person has the right to keep them as against him for 14 days , whereas the original owner has a right to the return of them within seven days from that date and I think that is clearly an act inconsistent with anything but his having adopted the transaction . ’
24 I 'm luckier than any man has a right to be . ’
25 One argument to which the Government has no right to resort is that statistics do not matter .
26 A farmer has every right to rant and rave about such clowns .
27 A councillor has no right to a roving commission to go and examine books or documents of a council because he is a councillor .
28 The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and , with due regard to the equal right of life of the mother , guarantees in its laws to respect , and , as far as practicable , by its laws , defend and vindicate that right .
29 Of course , each German state retains the right to self-determination , but it can be only exercised in the context of other norms and principles of international law .
30 This offence carries the right to jury trial , and the judge declined to usurp the jury 's role by declaring that future conduct by the Society would necessarily amount to an offence .
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