Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] a duty [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where a statute imposes a duty on a person , breach of that duty may give rise to an action for damages by a person injured as a result .
2 The law does provide a battery of preventative powers available to the police and others , after all , every member of the public , every citizen has a duty to erm prevent a breach of the peace occurring in his presence .
3 The Act imposes a duty on all holders of health records , usually a hospital or GP , to disclose information on application by a patient .
4 The three distinct situations in which the Children Act imposes a duty on local authorities to investigate are as follows .
5 The Children Act imposes a duty on certain agencies to assist " unless it would be unreasonable in all the circumstances of the case " to expect them to do so ( s47(9) ( 10 ) ) .
6 The 1988 Act lays a duty on local authorities to award contracts ‘ without reference to matters which are non-commercial ’ ( s. 17(1) ) .
7 The Act puts a duty on designers and suppliers to consider the health , safety and welfare implications of the equipment and processes they create .
8 " Negligence " in this context should be distinguished from the tort of negligence , where the law implies a duty of care between parties who have not made a contract with each other .
9 The years since 1898 have seen many changes tending to increase the circle of people to whom the accountant owes a duty of care and can therefore be held liable .
10 However , the curator has a duty to the estate rather than to the ward , and may save money , not spend it to benefit the ward .
11 The court held that where a person places himself in danger and it is foreseeable that another person may attempt a rescue , the rescued person owes a duty of care to the rescuer .
12 Section 1(6) states : No duty is owed by virtue of this section to any person in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by that person ( the question of whether a risk was so accepted to be decided on the same principles as in other cases in which one person owes a duty of care to another ) .
13 Whether or not he does it , every person has a duty to God not to ‘ harm another in his life , … liberty , … or goods ’ , and so has a parallel right to defend himself against such attack .
14 Whatever the uncertainty about whether God exists , the theist has a duty to be precise about what he or she means by ‘ God ’ .
15 I agree with Mr. Beloff that there seems to be no direct authority on the question whether , and to what extent , the controlling authority owes a duty of fairness to the appointed representative thus indirectly affected by its decisions .
16 While a supervision order is in force the supervisor has a duty to : ( i ) advise , assist and befriend the supervised child ; ( ii ) take such steps as are reasonably necessary to give effect to the order ; ( iii ) consider whether or not to apply for discharge or variation where the order is not wholly complied with or may no longer be necessary ( s35(1) ) .
17 For the first time , an Act of Parliament lays a duty upon a public official , the Data Protection Registrar , to judge whether activities shall be deemed lawful by reference to a set of principles .
18 According to the 1944 Education Act the Secretary of State has a duty to ‘ promote the education of the people of England and Wales and the progressive development of institutions devoted to that purpose … ’ , although effective control was , at the time of the Tyndale dispute , devolved to the LEAs .
19 It 's it 's on the basis that any employer has a duty of care to employees and what I mean by that is that er an employer has a responsibility to not work employers er er employees under conditions that that are known to be unsafe .
20 In carrying out these functions , the supervising officer has a duty to both parties and not just to his client to deal with these matters strictly in accordance with the contract conditions and with good professional practice .
21 The railway company owes a duty of care to crossing users .
22 The cost of remedying the defect is economic loss and neither party owes a duty of care to P2 in that respect .
23 If the presence of the trespasser is known to or reasonably to be anticipated by the occupier , then the occupier has a duty to the trespasser , but it is a lower and less onerous duty than the one which the occupier owes to a lawful visitor .
24 The Occupiers ' Liability Act 1984 outlines where an occupier owes a duty to a trespasser in respect of any risk of that person suffering injury on the premises , by reason of any damage due to the state of the premises or to things done or not done on the premises .
25 An occupier owes a duty to non-visitors , including trespassers , by s .
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