Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] require for the " in BNC.

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1 To process the interleaved , multiple data streams from the ‘ XA ’ disc and to decompress the audio , a special plug-in card is required for the computer .
2 When a worker is on piece work , it is even more difficult because concentration is required for the job in order to earn the best return .
3 Our fourth connection , as may be anticipated , is that a causal circumstance , like a cause , requires the effect , and the effect is required for the causal circumstance .
4 In general , where a relaxation is required for the fire resistance of the building ( E5 ) and or space separation ( E7 ) the possible hazard in relation to the space available has to be considered as well as the siting of existing ( or likely ) buildings on the adjoining land .
5 In considering any application , the local planning authority is under a duty to seek the enhancement of the Conservation Area , and consent is required for the demolition of any building .
6 Often the articles of the holding company will provide that consent is required for the sale of the assets of the holding company and of any of its subsidiaries .
7 In May 1890 , the minutes state that ‘ the old Saloon Shed having been pulled down to make room for the new Paint Shop , a shed is required for the three shunt engines ’ .
8 A new Area Organiser is required for the Greater London — South West — volunteers please !
9 In the event that it is apparent that the case will , in fact , be contested , either because liability is to be denied or because the parties are too far apart in their assessment of the issues in dispute , now is the appropriate time to consider what further evidence is required for the Proof and whether the evidence that is available is adequate and sufficient for its purpose .
10 A mental activity , shape or pattern is required for the outer action and behaviour to be manifest .
11 Sometimes grace periods are granted which means that no repayment of the loan 's principal is required for the first few years .
12 The main change is that the periods laid down for these notices are now in days instead of hours : two days notice is required for the commencement of building works .
13 In these ways third States whose co-operation is required for the effective performance of a treaty can be brought within its framework , without necessarily becoming parties to it .
14 In the case of such deposits the rule that writing is required for the creation of interests in land is dispensed with .
15 ( 7 ) Where an instrument under seal that constitutes a deed is required for the purposes of an Act passed before this section comes into force , this section shall have effect as to signing , sealing or delivery of an instrument by an individual in place of any provision of that Act as to signing , sealing or delivery .
16 Thereafter , ‘ fly the line ’ , keeping a careful eye on drift and timing for the first quarter of the route , and replicating whatever heading is required for the next three- quarters , noting the times to the quarter-points .
17 As the induced voltage is essentially sinusoidal only the sinusoidal component of phase current at the same frequency is required for the torque calculations .
18 This vitally important information is required for the Society 's Annual Report , which in turn is necessary with regard to our application for Sports Council Grant Aid .
19 No Trading Account is required for the branch .
20 This means , for example , that only 20 p.c. growth is required for the investor to double his or her after-tax return .
21 Although the threats to the BBC may have been ideologically motivated , a different sort of explanation is required for the current review of the commercial television sector .
22 One MCT-ADR chip is required for the address path and system control logic .
23 One MCT-ADR chip is required for the address path and system control logic .
24 This implies that , while development of CLO in itself is independent of smoking and alcohol , a combination of CLO and excessive smoking is required for the start and promotion of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus .
25 Experience is required for the connections from an eye to continue to control its fair share of cortical neurons , and joint experience is required for joint control ( adapted from Hubel and Wiesel , reference 5 and Hubel 1988 : see Further Reading ) .
26 But introduction of the TCR- β mutation into the TCR- mutant mice abolishes virtually all DP cells and eliminates SP cells entirely ( Fig. 3 a ) , indicating that TCR -β rearrangement or expression is required for the DN to DP transition , at least in the principal differentiation pathway of αβ T cells .
27 Incidentally , although a level of ability is required for the full-time course and potential students are assessed either playing in person or on cassette , ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels are not pre-entry requirements , and ( although a useful personal asset ) neither is the ability to read music .
28 Although such possessory rights are capable of being disposed inter vivos and can devolve to one 's heirs upon death , the cardinal rule in Islam is that the State can at any time repossess the land if such land is required for the public good .
29 A gamma spectrometer can not be used because a hole about 5 cm in diameter is required for the probe ; it is extremely hard work to drill the 1 cm hole needed for a capsule , and anything larger would be impossible !
30 Perhaps this length of time is required for the long-chain polymers to stabilize after the succussion process ends .
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