Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] the [noun] further " in BNC.

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1 However , the Federation used its local mass support to carry the campaign further .
2 I was bewitched by her , I think to be freer than became me , though I had no intention to carry the jest further .
3 Of the Arab countries which had mobilized forces for Saudi Arabia , Egypt announced substantial further commitments ( an increase to 10,000 troops announced on Sept. 7 , the day before President Mubarak met Baker in Alexandria ; an increase to 20,000 announced on Sept. 16 , with forces departing immediately ; and a government statement on Sept. 25 of readiness to increase the numbers further , to 35,000 ) , as did Syria ( an additional 11,000 to Saudi Arabia , with 300 Soviet-made T-72 tanks , announced on Sept. 15 , on top of 3,200 Syrians already in Saudi Arabia and 1,000 in the United Arab Emirates ) .
4 Smith , a TA corporal in 10 Para and Rennie , a TA sergeant in 15 Para , then returned to Camp Three to pick up extra rope and equipment to push the route further at the next opportunity .
5 There is a need to develop the differences further , rather than just saying that contradictory emotions can exist in the unconscious .
6 The place was so full of heavy furniture that there was no room to rearrange the beds further apart .
7 My Lord the er plaintiff Mr er telephoned the National Westminster Bank the following day in order to er make an appointment to discuss the finances further and an appointment was made for the twenty second of October .
8 Much of medicine is uncertain , and the admission of that uncertainty creates the obligation to research the matter further .
9 Can my hon. Friend say whether the recent bombing campaign has had any impact on prospects for future investment , and whether any new initiatives are under consideration to boost the figures further ?
10 Pretty slim , he replied , citing an unwillingness to fragment the industry further .
11 One key feature of her method was to differentiate between ( 1 ) what we know ; ( 2 ) what we can guess or infer ; ( 3 ) what we do not know ; ( 4 ) what we would like to know in order to carry the enquiry further .
12 As Duclaud-Williams ( 1978 ) suggests , the operation of rent rebates and other principles embodied in the Act tended at that time to swing the balance further in favour of home buyers and away from the two rented sectors .
13 Cora-Beth 's voice gave him no time to consider the matter further .
14 It asked the officers to reflect on the discussions which led up to , and followed the issue of , Partnership in Validation , and subsequently accepted the advice offered in an officers ' paper to set up a working party to pursue the discussion further and report back in May 1978 , after consulting the Council 's committees and boards .
15 Throwing ( 10 credits ) : This allows the player to throw the ball further ( makes sense really ) .
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