Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] the [adj] effect " in BNC.

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1 Dr Shankar admitted he did not give Alison a drug to counteract the possible effect on her heart .
2 An attempt to estimate the cumulative effect of thematic map errors in digital overlay analysis has been made by Newcomer and Szajgin ( 1984 ) .
3 If so omit stages 2 and 3 , except for adding a similar amount of gravel to get the sloping effect .
4 This initiated a process of regularly updating the regional policy of the EC together with a programme of regional impact assessment to evaluate the regional effect of other EC policies .
5 Alternatively you could use a dark red velvet or watered silk , but I chose a very dark cream silk to counteract the busy effect of the frame .
6 Every held operation using tractors or horses inevitably causes some compaction and damage to soil structure ; it should therefore be the farmer 's aim to create the desired effect with the minimum of passes at exactly the right time .
7 ‘ I have come on a scientific investigation to rectify the freak effect which brought those poor unfortunates , ’ he waved at the screen , ‘ to this forsaken place .
8 This may lead the recovering person to remember the mood-altering effect of the addictive substance or behaviour but selectively forget the negative consequences .
9 Shell-shaped sweets or chocolates could also be scattered around the octopus to enhance the general effect , if liked .
10 Numerous inquiries were made of the Financial Secretary to elucidate the resulting effect of the Bill on in-house benefits , i.e. , concessionary travel for airline , railway and merchant navy employees , on benefits for hotel employees and on concessionary education for the children of teachers .
11 Pipe dots or yoghurt in the sauce around each pear and swirl with a cocktail stick or the tip of a pointed knife to give the feathered effect .
12 In the " Lady Chatterley " case Mr Justice Byrne instructed his jury to consider the total effect of the work after reading it from cover to cover .
13 Penelope went over to the long mirror to survey the general effect of her dress .
14 Encouraged by these findings we have formulated a bismuth enema and compared it with 5-ASA enemas in patients with active distal colitis to examine the therapeutic effect .
15 The budget in this context gives the management the opportunity to examine the overall effect of operating decisions .
16 In order to confirm the inhibitory effect of Oct-1 on the HPV 16 motif , we constructed an Oct-1 expression vector by cloning a human Oct-1 cDNA clone ( 23 ) under the control of the strong cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter in the vector pJ7 ( 24 ) .
17 Standard weepers are produced by budding and sometimes grafting , rambler types into stems a foot ( 30cm ) or more higher than bush types in order to enhance the weeping effect .
18 In order to gain the maximum effect they manufactured alloys of copper , silver and gold and invented procedures for gilding and silvering copper .
19 In many cases when creating this effect , it is not enough just to tie a bow in a piece of ribbon , and you may have to actually create a bow from a piece of material in order to produce the right effect .
20 During bar 1 the A-B bends should be pitched slightly flat in order to produce the bluesy effect that can be heard on the track .
21 A new issue of shares provides management and institutions with the opportunity to achieve the leveraging effect described in 5.2 .
22 It may be difficult for the modern reader to grasp the emotional effect of his passing upon his people .
23 In addition , the activities have a variable delay imposed during their execution to minimise the adverse effect on interactive users of LIFESPAN .
24 erm , my Lord , in relation to that erm and er is an example , the European court itself and only the European court has the power to limit the direct effect of the provision , they can say well it has direct effect in these circumstances prospectively , but not retroactively and only the European court , that court alone has that power , all other courts , national courts must , my Lord this is your duty under article five I would submit to enforce article eighty five and three F
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