Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] apply for [art] " in BNC.

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1 All students who have become temporary residents in Northern Ireland and have been accepted at the University should apply for a Medical Card through the University Health Centre .
2 The applicant may apply for a United Kingdom patent , a European patent to be granted for three or more countries under the European Patent Convention or a " world-wide " patent for one or more of the member countries under the Patent Co-operation Treaty .
3 A supervisor denied access to a supervised child may apply for a warrant of police assistance under s102 if he has been obstructed or this is likely to be the case .
4 A plaintiff or a defendant sued in a representative capacity may apply for the appointment of one defendant to represent all , or all those named , and a plaintiff suing in a representative capacity may apply to be similarly appointed ( Ord 5 , r 2 ) .
5 The crofter could apply for the ‘ de-crofting ’ of his land , but if this were approved he would no longer be eligible for the many special rights and privileges enjoyed by crofting tenants .
6 The local authority or the child can apply for an order : ( i ) under s34(2) specifying the contact to be allowed between the child and any named person ; ( ii ) under s34(4) authorising the local authority to refuse to allow contact between the child and any person automatically entitled under s34(1) .
7 Under the 1959 Act , only the holder of a public house or an hotel certificate could apply for a special permission , whereas , under 5.33 , any licence-holder .
8 Each person on the register will be given a renewal date ( 31st October in each year ( by which that person must apply for the registration to be renewed .
9 Only a local authority or an authorised person can apply for a care order or a supervision order ( s31(1) ) .
10 Any person can apply for the Meals on Wheels Service .
11 The debtor may apply for an order that the money , if payable in one sum , be paid at a later date than that by which it is due or by instalments , or , if the money is already payable by instalments , that it be paid by smaller instalments .
12 The judge erred in law in holding that in mortgage proceedings if a mortgagee failed to seek an order for costs then the mortgagor could apply for the costs to be taxed on an appropriate basis ; if no order was made the mortgagor could require that the costs of the mortgage proceedings be referred by the master taking the account to the taxing master for taxation pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 24 ; ( 3 ) that a provision in the mortgage deed providing expressly or by implication the basis on which costs were to be taxed was not then binding on the court and the judge also erred when he held that in mortgage proceedings a provision entitling the mortgagee to an indemnity against all costs , charges and expenses was void so far as it purports to exclude the jurisdiction of the court under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
13 Lewis opposed the idea that Parliament should let the scheme be taken out of its hands and said that the Government would apply for a vote during the session to acquire land for the Foreign Office at first , followed by land for other offices .
14 Before the SIB will recognize an SRO as capable of bestowing authorization upon a firm , the organization must apply for a recognition order .
15 I certainly hope that every executive agency will apply for a charter mark , which will be seen as a clear reward to those in public service who provide customer satisfaction , which all too often in the past has been sadly missing .
16 The project will apply for a subsidy under the UK government 's non-fossil fuel obligation scheme , which requires electricity companies to buy some energy from renewable resources .
17 A hotel may apply for a full on-licence ; on the other hand small establishments may merely have a restaurant licence or a residential licence .
18 However , the Government was persuaded by us and others that the company should apply for a new licence .
19 If it was felt that these conditions would be insufficient to prevent ‘ serious public disorder ’ , then the chief officer could apply for a banning order — from the Home Secretary in London , or from the local council in any other part of the country .
20 If the petition has not been served within sufficient time or at all , the petition creditor can apply for an adjournment but must give the reason why the petition has not been served ( r 6.28 ) .
21 Where no guardian is appointed initially any party may apply for an appointment to be made at any stage in the proceedings ( FPCR , r10(2) ; FPR , r4.10(2) ) .
22 The procedure is similar to that provided by Ord 22 , r 10 in relation to variations ; the judgment creditor may object to the terms offered by the defendant and either party may apply for the order made by the proper officer to be reconsidered by the district judge .
23 Gavin Fletcher says : ‘ Any player can apply for an LTA rating .
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