Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At present I look to the judiciary for advice on the time to be served to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence and to the Parole Board for advice on risk .
2 In this chapter we look at the ways to develop the applications which use the database , including an analysis of data requirements , and in Chapter 7 we look at setting up different external views in the context of different DBMS .
3 In this chapter we look at the general nature of weak syllables .
4 But on average you will find er and you look at people in the pub you look in the bar tonight at the people having conversations and see how many symmetrical hand gestures there are .
5 It 's great , Frankie boy ; I 'm keeping to the fields and the woods and walking a lot and getting lifts and when I get near a town I look for a good fat juicy dog and I make friends with it and take it out to the woods and then I kill it and eat it .
6 Tonight , in this post-Christmas period we look at the problem of debt .
7 And tomorrow night we look at the work which takes up a third of the RSPCA 's time , dealing with farmers and their livestock .
8 When Ballantyne 's boys found the tree they look at the wonder of the wildlife .
9 ‘ One week I look at the various uses of manure , another , say , a flat cap that can improve your golf swing or the cup and spoon for people with moustaches . ’
10 Everytime I receive Wimpey News I look for a mention of where I work .
11 With provocation we look at the " what if " and suppose " and go even beyond these with " po " the new word I coined elsewhere to allow deliberate provocation ( it stands for provocative Operation ) .
12 Underwater Safari This month we look as the Great Diving Beetle .
13 This month we look at a
14 This month we look at a catfish with an unusual spawning technique .
15 This month we look at the Alder Fly
16 This month we look at the new arrangements for meeting the costs of residential care places .
17 MAKING TRACKS This month we look at an 8-track from Tascam , plus a rack-mountable tuner and the mysterously titled Power Tool …
18 ‘ Some men bring their kids in and it 's like a trip down memory lane they look at the smoke bombs or whoopee cushions .
19 Within this locality we look at the imminent or fairly imminent closure of , of , of .
20 Yeah but the the reason I look at the the poxy Hotpoint because they say well , they guarantee their part for five years , alright ?
21 The first and last thing I look at every day is his picture .
22 I expected to have my family ripped to shreds , even though my childhood was extremely happy , but in Freudian analysis you look to the family for the source of all your anxieties .
23 On the other hand we look at the individual bodies themselves and each one is obviously a coherent , integrated , immensely complicated machine , with a conspicuous unity of purpose .
24 ‘ Not the way I look at the moment !
25 They say statistics can be manipulated to give any impression , but whichever way you look at the Gunners , the facts of Highbury life make glum reading .
26 ‘ Just minor changes in the way you look after an area can have a great effect . ’
27 With a problem we look for a solution .
28 But , of course , having a system of beliefs or attitudes also conditions the way we look at the world ; what we actually see .
29 Exploration of these phenomena may eventually revolutionise the whole way we look at the world .
30 As we will examine in more detail in Chapter 10 , the mass media can in a very important sense direct the way we look at the world and the questions we ask about it .
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